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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 14 Mar 2017 - 20:17

S: Gyderne i Doomsville
T: Henover aften
V: Solen er gået ned, så der er pænt køligt.
O: Beskrives
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Razor var et bymenneske, han måtte holde til i byen når han ikke var i skoven. Måske burde hun tjekke ved Blake før hun bare opsøgte Razor i byen. Firewood Village kunne hun håndtere, der kendte hun efterhånden folk bare lidt i hvert fald. Her i Doomsville, kendte hun ikke en sjæl. Hun kendte ikke dæmonerne der kiggede efter hende i skyggerne, alt var så ensomt og forladt. Dog følte hun sig ikke helt fortabt længere, Wade var tilbage i hendes liv igen. Hvilket gav hende grunden til at smile. Hvad hun opsøgte Razor for, ja hvad opsøgte hun ham for udover et par gode minder. Tatia kom til gyderne, det virkede som et Razor-agtigt sted og alligevel ikke. Som hun begav sig ind imellem de mørke skygger, kunne hun mærke hårene der let rejste sig i nakken. Alle de dyriske instinkter i hendes krop reagerede ved den klamme stemning. Det var som om, at der bare en overnaturlig ulykke der hang i krogene. Ånder der skreg på befrielse, og alligevel kunne man intet se når det kom til stykket. Tatia lod sine blågrønne øjne skifte til sin blodrøde farve - de dyriske instinkter. Musklerne spændtes som hun opfangede en lyd. De eneste fjender hun normalt håndterede var mennesker som var jægere - få dæmoner og vampyrer havde hun været i kamp med før - men ikke ligefrem fordi hun fortrak det.

Hvis der var en ting som Tatia havde lært i sit liv, var det altid at være forberedt. Derfor bar hun naturligvis rundt på våben. En vampyr viste sig længere fremme og fik hende til at stoppe op. Hun stirrede på den, hvilket i ulveverdenen var set som en udfordring. Det tog heller ikke længe før vampyren gik til angreb på shapeshifteren. Dog med en hurtig bevægelse fik hun kastet sin daggert lige i tide til at ramme vampyren i panden, og død var den. Det føltes godt med en sejr, men længe nåede hun ikke at nyde den, før en ny vampyr angreb bagfra. Tænderne skar igennem huden på hendes hals, og det spændte i hele hendes krop imens den drak af det eksotiske blod.
"Get the fuck off." Brummede hun irriteret, og svang sin albue tilbage i maven på vampyren. Nok ikke lige det der normalt skete for rovdyret. Vampyren hvæste af hende og derpå var krigen igang. Man skulle have troet det var en varulv og vampyr der mødtes. Dog var det blot ikke ligefrem fordi, at man skulle pisse Tatia af. Slag blev uddelt, nok flere imod hende end mod vampyren - ikke at hun ligefrem gav op - det var ikke et ord hun brugte. Til sidst lykkedes det hende også af nedlægge vampyren, og hun åndede lettet op. Tatia kom på benene og begyndte stille at få en smule udmattet rundt. Hjertet bankede voldsomt imens det prøvede at pumpe det manglende blod rundt i hendes system.

Hvorhen af hun gik, tænkte hun ikke ligefrem over. Pludselig galte det ikke om at finde Razor, men om at finde et sted at sidde for at få luft. Ingen tvivl om hun kunne presse sig meget mere end dette, og det var ikke ligefrem sundt for hende. Måske var det endelig gået op for hende, at hun burde passe bedre på sig selv? Tatia havde blod løbende henover hendes hals, og det beklædte så fint tøjet. De andre skader var ikke så voldsomme, hun havde prøvet værre. Endelig så hun en skikkelse længere fremme, og sanserne strakte sig til det var et menneske.
"Hello..." Prøvede hun sig frem, men hun lignede ærligtalt en der ikke havde fået megen søvn. Eller bare var træt, forståeligt nok, hun havde fået drukket pænt meget af sit blod. "You don't know someplace where.. I don't know.. do you have healers around here?" Tilføjede hun og tog sig lidt til hovedet. Blikket var en anelse slørret, men hun kæmpede nu alligevel for at holde fokus.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 14 Mar 2017 - 23:59

Another day doing some actual satisfying work, after everything that had happened recently it felt good getting back to helping people, especially children, he didn't see them often enough, maybe that was a good thing considering his type of work. From what he had seen walking to the room the kid was staying in, they weren't doing very well, like most people in this district of course but still, it could be avoided if the other districts actually gave a damn about this place. But of course that was not the case, they weren't the ones suffering, so why go out of their way to help others, it's not like they were part of the same city or anything.. It had been a while since he had thought about stuff like this, he didn't miss it either, never amounted to anything but getting him annoyed anyway.

Only a couple of hours earlier, the mother knocked on his door asking for his help involving her daughter, apparently she had been attacked by someone. When he arrived at their house he saw that they had at least covered her wounds with some rags, which was good thing, slowing down the bleeding until he got there. But when he saw the lacerations from her arms to her shoulder blades, he could see they weren't serious wounds. The cuts had pierced her skin but the tissue underneath was intact, most likely because she ran away and whoever couldn't get a proper grip on her. It was definitely claws that caused it, meaning that the wounds had to be thoroughly cleaned. But the good news was that seeing as the wounds were not serious, he could use his healing ability and save the supplies. So after cleaning her wounds with some bandages dipped in water, he put her in a side position and placed his hands on her wounds. After a few seconds she would feel his hands become warm as they started to boost the natural regeneration of her body, closing the wounds in the matter of a few minutes. She was lucky the wounds were so clean and lacking of depth, it made the healing go a lot faster. When he was done he puts the covers over the girl, picks up his doctors bag and walks back into the room where the parents were. "She's fine, just make sure she gets her rest, she stays in bed until tomorrow." Ending it with a smile, trying to stop them from worrying. The father tries to hand him a pouch of what seemed like silver but he refused. He did not accept any payment for helping children, the principle was there for a reason. He never thought about it before, but know that he was having one of his own, every time he visited children in need he started to worry about everything that could happen to his own. It was something he had to get used to, seeing as there was not lacking children to treat these days.

As he steps outside he feels the cold creep up his neck, he folds up the collar and closes his coat as he starts to walk down the street. The sun had set and it was getting darker by the minute, people started to disappear from the streets and it became quiet around him. For new people in the district it could possibly be scary seeing as all kinds of creatures lived around here, but living her most of his life he had gotten used to it. And maybe it was that he was a doctor that would treat anyone, no matter the race or title, that he didn't get attacked, they didn't want to hurt the one that would heal them up when they were broken and down. But then again, it could just be luck, he had no clue. Nevertheless, he continues down the street not too far from home. After a few minutes of walking he hears some commotion further down the street.

He starts running towards it, and arriving at the entrance to an alley where he sees someone approach him, he is a bit careful about her but as soon as she greets him, he starts walking towards her trying to get a better look. "Hello there." He says with a friendly yet worried voice, the way she talked, she sounded wounded, which triggered his medical alarms. Just as she finished her question he saw the blood running from her neck, and not a second after he ran up to her, ignoring all precautions. "Yeah, i am one" He says with full focus on her neck as he moves her hair out of the way. It was hard to tell how severe the wounds were, but seeing as she was still standing the arteries had to be intact, even thought that was not a certainty. "I'm here to help alright? Just try to relax and don't strain your neck. Can you tell me what happened?" he says trying to keep her talking as he did what he could on the spot. Covering what he could with his hand as he used the other to reach into his bag and take out a roll of bandage, removing the pin holding it together with his teeth. He rolls it out and folds it in a way that it covers the entire wound but still has some thickness to it, making her bleed slower. "Where is the person who did this? Are they still alive?" he asked in a serious manner, if they were alive, he had to help them as well, even if there was a chance of him being attacked just like her. If she responded with them not being alive he would move on to the next question. "Do you live anywhere around here? or know someone close by? If not then we have to go to my place, its only a few minutes away. I can't treat your wounds out here." he said, rushing his words out, trying to get this along as quickly as possible. And depending one what she said he would start walking with her to where they were headed, checking her over for more wounds as they walked.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 15 Mar 2017 - 5:57

Han hørte hende, en fremmed som faktisk registrede hendes stemme i mørket - det skete så sjældent. Stemmen afslørede at han ikke lige der var udepå at dræbe hende. Det var blevet en dårlig vane at være mistroisk overfor alle hun ikke kendte, men hvad forventede man af hende? Tatia var ekstremt uheldig anlagt når det kom til at møde fremmede folk. Det krævede alligevel noget af hende faktisk at lade ham hjælpe hende, men hun lod ham tjekke skaden. Han var healer, så det var vel bedre end intet. Spørgsmålet var blot om dette menneske var ligeså loyal som folk fra hendes gamle flok. Måske undervurderede hun mennesket? Can you tell me what happened? Let åndede hun ud og sank en klump.
"Vampire attack," svarede hun ret simpelt, og skar en grimasse. En vampyr havde fået hendes åndedrag til at være så svagt her, og hun følte sig generelt ynkelig for det. Han lagde noget om hendes nakke, men hvad fik hun ikke ligefrem fat i. Det var en underlig følelse, men hun havde ikke ligefrem tid til at være skeptisk over hans midler. Det næste spørgsmål; Where is the person who did this? Are they still alive? Fik hende til at slippe et lille fnøs, bare af rent instinkt.
"Not long from here, he is probably dead. Or not probably, he definitely is dead. I don't handle people trying to kill me very well," indrømmede hun og åndede en anelse tungere ud.

Do you live anywhere around here? or know someone close by? Spørgsmålene fik hende til at blinke lidt. For hun var på farlig grund når hun var her, for hun kendte ingen.
"It would take days walking to the north of the woods.. and walking to Wade.. he don't need to see me like this agian." Tatia snakkede lidt i tåger, men hun mente det. Wade havde set hende komme nok til skade, og hun ønskede egentlig ikke at han skulle se det igen. Ikke efter sidste gang, sidste gang havde været for voldsom. "I will go with you. I can walk," styrken i hendes stemme afspejlede sig i hendes øjne. Hun havde været igennem meget, mere end hun burde. Hvis at gå var hvad de skulle gøre for at komme frem, så hun kunne få sin normalle vejrtrækning tilbage - så var det hvad hun gjorde. Stædig var man vel. Det var den første mindre alvorlige situation hun havde været udefor længe. Det havde været rart med et par uger i fred - et par uger uden at nogle kidnappede hende.. uden nogle torturerede hende - det var fantastisk.

Hun havde aldrig været den helt store fan af stilhed, også alligevel.
"I'm Tatia. By the way.. " Brød hun igennem stilheden imens de gik. Heldigvis frøs hun ikke, med sin nye evne var det ikke ligefrem en mulighed - men hun følte sig svagere uden ild i sine omgivelser, det var klart. Hjertet bankede hårdt imod hendes brystkasse, et slag af gangen, og følelsen af hendes åndedrag der blev tungere for hvert slag.. det gjorde næsten hendes brystkasse gjorde ondt. For hjertet kæmpede virkelig for at pumpe nok blod rundt i hendes system, og det var måske ikke alle der ville blive ved med at gå i denne her situation - men Tatia gik stadigvæk med blikket fremad. Hvis noget ikke skulle tages fra hende så var det den indre styrke, styrken der fortalte hende at hun skulle videre. Endelig virkede det til at de var nået frem, og musklerne brød sig ikke ligefrem om den korte pause, hvor hun stod stille. Tatia var lige ved at miste balancen, og greb derved hurtigt udefter mennesket for at genvinde balancen.
"I'm sorry.." Mumlede hun lidt og slap ham kort efter.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 15 Mar 2017 - 15:12

When she told him it was a vampire attack it proved his suspicions, it was rather obvious but it was better to know than guess and get it wrong. He noticed her expression but was to serious to smile, he still didn't know the extent of the injury just yet. But if they were vampires the likelihood of them running away was slim, so when she said they were dead it didn't surprise him even though he thought of it as a waste, he didn't like anyone dying, but he wouldn't loose sleep over it, it was their own actions that led to their death. But that rose the question of what she was? Vampires were pretty strong and fast, could a human do that? Maybe she was lucky, or maybe she was something else? She didn't give off any demon vibe, he was way too used to being around demons so he would definitely tell if she was. Now was not the time to find out anyway, time would tell.

Then she told him how far from home she was an he noted it down for later, because he knew someone from there. As she mentioned Wade he got surprised look on his face as he now realized who he had just met, which made him completely relaxed around her knowing who he was treating. Seeing as they were heading for his home, he led the way, but still walking around her checking for more wounds seeing as he could see she took quite the beating in her fight. It was more of a precaution than anything, he would me more thorough when they were inside, it was just to see if there was something that would require his immediate attention. He didn't realize that he had been quiet almost the entire time because he was so focused on her well being, but when she broke the silence with her name he kinda snapped out of it with a light chuckle "Oh yeah, excuse me, it just flew right past me.. I'm Nicholas Dunham. It's good to finally have a name and a face to the famed woman." He teased not explaining how he knew her. He would get to that later when her wounds were under control. "It's right around the corner now" He said with with a calm voice, ensuring her that it would soon be over. But just as he finishes she stops and looses balance, leaning on him to keep on her feet. "It's alright, nothing to be sorry about, i should have prevented that.. let me help." He says before taking her arm around his shoulders, holding around her as they walked the last few meters up to his home.

He unlocks the door and steps inside, sitting her down on his sofa, it would be the most comfortable and it had no back so it would be easy to treat her on it. "Keep pressure on it while i get ready." He says with a serious voice while pointing at the bandage on her neck. Then he runs back and closes the door and throws his coat off on a chair by the study. He lobs some logs in to the fireplace next to the sofa and lights it up, creating some warmth in the house. Then he folds up his sleeves as he places his bag next to them and sees the blood still running from her neck to the sofa. It almost made him chuckle because he only recently got the fabric changed on the sofa, he didn't care for how he or his home looked, but after so many patients on it, it started to look like a butchers bench, and that's when it was time to replace it. The fact that it was still running from her neck meant that the bandages was soaked, no longer any use, but it didn't mean anything because it was time for treatment either way. He places a knee on the sofa behind her as he takes out some new bandages and dips it in water, then moves her hair out of the way and drags her jacket a bit down as he starts cleaning the wound so he could get a better view of the damages.

"This is going to hurt a lot, so prepare yourself" He said with a concerned voice, he had to know if anything vital had been ripped before he could continue, and the only way of doing that would be to feel for himself. He slowly sticks his finger in the lacerations cause by the teeth and feels around gently, pressing on the arteries he can reach, It seemed they were in luck, the wounds were grizzly but the arteries were intact. Which meant it would take way longer to bleed out. He takes out his finger and places the wet bandage on her neck again. "Alright, I'm sorry i had to do that, good news is that the worst is over, i should be able to heal you without stitches." He said in a relieved voice. He had to reduce the bleeding before he began but he couldn't just use bandages because he needed skin to skin contact for the healing to work. He reaches in the bag and takes out a jar. he scraps some of the substance with his fingers and gently smears it around her wound. The mixture of herbs and disinfectant would keep the bleeding in check for a short while giving him time to heal the would before it would break up. It would also stop infection from taking place even though he would heal the would way before there was a chance of infection.

"Alright, you will start to feel warm around the wound, but that's normal so just relax." he said with a cheerful tone, placing both of his hands on her neck, keeping them there for several minutes letting the healing work on her body's regeneration. He needed her to stay awake through everything so this was a perfect time to talk to her more. "This will take some time so we have a chance to talk" He said still keeping his cheerful tone. "So you are Wade's special someone huh, its good to meet you, he spoke very highly of you when i saw him not that many day ago." Thinking back to when he was at Wades cabin with Lucile. Tatia was his Lucile, what a small world it was, it brought a smile to his face. He had a bunch of questions for her but he didn't want to overwhelm her so he would let her speak before he continued.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 15 Mar 2017 - 20:22

I'm Nicholas Dunham. It's good to finally have a name and a face to the famed woman. Let nikkede hun til hans navn. Det var ret at få et navn fremmed, det gjorde dem ikke så fremmed. Dog ændrede hendes ansigt sig en smule undrende over den uløste gåde han satte igang i hendes hoved.
"The famed woman.. I guess I should be flattered." Svarede hun og satsede på han ville løse gåden for hende senere. Det var ikke normalt for hende at søge direkte hjælp ved andre, men hun havde fået spredt en frygt i sit system. En frygt der ikke ønskede at hun var alene når hun var skadet, i frygt for at skulle igennem for meget mørke alene igen. Nicholas var rolig. Mere rolig end mange andre hun havde mødt, og det var langt nemmere for hende at håndtere. Det var sikkert sådan Wade var kommet under hendes krigeriske hud dengang de mødtes første gang. Tanken bragte et svagt smil op på hendes ansigt, blot imens tanken var der. Han var alt for venlig, eller måske var det blot nogle mennesker der var det? Måden han tog hendes arm omkring sin skulder og hjalp hende det sidste stykke af vejen. Tatia kunne undre sig, hvorfor han dog egentlig gjorde så meget for at hjælpe hende?

De kom indenfor, og hvornår hun sidst faktisk havde været i et mere rigtig hus - var over et år siden. Jo hun havde da kort været i Wades venindes hus, men ellers havde hun levet i et bur i et år. Han satte hende på sofaen, og hun kunne mærke hun kort blev nervøs. Hvis han kendte hendes seneste par års ophold, ville han forstå hvorfor - men det gjorde han ikke - og han virkede som en god person. Så hun valgte at stole på ham. Tatia tog sin hånd op og holdt fast om bandagen. At blodet blandede sig med hendes hud, gjorde hende intet. Skaden i sig selv var ikke slem, faktisk i forhold til meget andet var den mild. Ilden der startede med at blusse sig op ved ildstedet fangede hendes opmærksomhed. Tatia måtte bide tænderne sammen for ikke at lade sig friste til at gå derover, siden hun var opstået fra flammerne - havde ilden kaldt til hende, og hun kunne ikke rigtig gøre noget ved det. Dog lykkedes det Nicholas at fange hendes opmærksomhed da han var ret tæt på hende igen.

Måske var det uvisheden? Normalt hvis Rakshas blod var det der skulle heale hende, så vidste hun virkningen og metoden. Her vidste hun ikke metoden, eller hvad han havde tænkt sig. Det gjorde hende en smule mere anspændt end hun ønskede. Så snart han begyndte at ville tilse såret, fjernede hun sin hånd. I ikke mindre end et sekund holdt hun vejret, som han flyttede hendes hår. Hun kunne mærke han rensede såret, eller i hvert fald blot fik et bedre overblik over skaden. This is going to hurt a lot, so prepare yourself, et lille fnøs forlod hendes læber. Tatia tog en dyb indånding. Følensen af hans finger der gravede sig ind i såret, fik hende til at spænde i musklerne - men hun sagde ikke en lyd. Faktisk stirrede hun blot uhyggeligt ud i luften, som om at smerten faktisk ikke sagde hende noget. Hjertet sprang en anelse hurtigere afsted, og hendes indre ulv reagerede også. Men som sagt, havde hun valgt at stole på ham. Hvilket betød meget for hvordan hun håndterede udforskningen af hendes skade.Så snart han trak fingeren ud af hendes sår, lod hun luften sive ud mellem læberne igen. Musklerne fandt tilbage til sin mest afslappende tilstand, men ærligtalt var det ikke pænt meget.

I'm sorry i had to do that, good news is that the worst is over, i should be able to heal you without stitches. Tatia rystede først let på hovedet, men i det mindste var gode nyheder. Som om hun ville kunne have kunne klare at have nogle sting, det var aldrig sket - og hun regnede ikke med at det behøvede at være en mulighed nogensinde.
"You don't have to say sorry it, I have handled things way worse, " Svarede hun og åndede let ud. Hvis hun kunne klare at løbe igennem skoven med et skud i benet - så kunne hun også klare han tjekkede hendes skade - også selvom det var en speciel måde at opleve det på. En ny fært ramte hendes skarpe næse, og fik hende til at løfte hovedet en anelse op. Nysgerig nok mest. Hvad det end var, blev det ført på hendes hud. Tatia hævede undrende på et bryn, men lod ham nu blot gøre hvad han skulle.

Nicholas placerede sine hænder på hendes nakke. Hvilket var lidt underligt for hende, og hvis hun kunne slappe af ville hun gøre det. Men hun kunne kun slappe helt af i Wades selskab - specielt lige for tiden. Varmen begyndte at danne sig omkring hendes nakke, hvilket var underligt. Det var ikke varme som ilden der dansede rundt ved ildstedet. Dog måtte hun indrømme følelsen af hendes krop der reagerede på at blive sparket i den rigtige retning, var nok til at hun begyndte at slappe noget mere af. This will take some time so we have a chance to talk, ordene vækkede hende op fra det signal kroppen var ved at sende om, at hun snildt kunne sove nu. Så snart hun var kommet sig over det, så var hun lysvågen. So you are Wade's special someone huh, its good to meet you, he spoke very highly of you when i saw him not that many day ago. Tatia reagerede med det samme Wade blev nævnt. Det gav et minimalt ryk i hende, og fik hende generelt til at lyse op på en helt speciel måde.
"Yeah.. I am," svarede hun og kunne slet ikke fjerne smilet fra sine læber igen. "Just got him back in my life.. I don't know what I should do without him." Tilføjede hun og sank en klump. Selv i den tid de ikke var sammen, var det ham hun så da hun var ved at give op. Da torturen havde været for meget og jægerne næsten havde nedlagt hende - var det hans stemme der kom frem i Tatias hoved, og fortalte hun kunne klare det.
"How did you two meet? You don't seem like a person who takes long walks deep in the forest.. no offence. " Spurgte hun lettere nysgerrigt. Ligesom Tatia langtfra var et bymenneske, havde hun med måneder fået øvelse i det, men hun tilhørte skoven. "Your heart skipped a beat.. as you were thinking about someone special?" Tilføjede hun spørgende, ikke at han nødvendigvis behøvede at svare på det. Det var måske det gode ved at være shapeshifter og være så tæt på sin ulv som Tatia var - sanserne var langt voldsommere end ved en utrænet shapeshifter.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 16 Mar 2017 - 0:33

When she said she had handled things way worse it made him smile, she reminded him of someone else he knew, they had the same tough act, last time he saw her though she was on a blood hunt, he had no idea how or where she was. He had seen it many times and found it adoring. It would explain a few things as well. When Wade said he had gotten her back, it had to be more than just regular time apart, something must have happened to her. Not that it was his business of course, but seeing as what happened earlier she seemed to find trouble a lot. That would also explain why she was not in shock after being attacked by a vampire.

As soon as he mentioned Wade he could see her light up. The way she talked about him, the vibe she emitted. He knew it well, and he could feel it was true love between them. "You are with him, focus on the here and now, don't worry about what could happen. Worrying about the future will only spoil the present" As he said it he felt a bit hypocritical seeing as he was in almost constant worry for Lucile, if something were to happen to her.. "I will tell you something Wade told me. If you love someone, you never give up on them. Especially if they love you back.. They have given you their heart… Its your responsibility to keep it whole." He said as he thought back to the day he was sitting next to him, listening to him say it. Then when she asked how they met he was happy to answer, seeing as it didn't happen long ago it was crystal clear. "Haha none taken, it was a few days ago, i woke up in his cabin, not knowing it was his, and we just kinda started talking. I didn't speak that long with him but it was enough for me to see that he is a good man." He finishes with a smile. As she told him about his heartbeat it made him chuckle as he continued. "Yeah, that would be Lucile, my other half... She is the reason i met Wade in the first place, she brought me to his cabin after a blackout, long story, but apparently they knew each other from before. I feel for her what you feel for Wade.." He said with a calm voice, keeping a smile the entire way through. The truth was that he could not think anyone else could feel what he felt for Lucile, it was probably the same for everyone, but the bond he had for her was something out of this world. But somehow he had a feeling Tatia understood that feeling.

He just realized what she said earlier about his heartbeat, he was too caught up in Lucile to even notice it. She was not human, which made him curious to what she was, not that he would think differently of her, but it could be nice to know if he had to treat her for something else in the future, making sure he didn't do something that could be bad for a certain race. "So, i have to ask, not that i matters, but I'm kinda curious. What creature are you exactly? And while we're at it, what are you doing around theses parts if you've not been here before? It's not really a friendly place for newcomers" His voice was calm but curious. He knew she was with Wade and that she was tough, but that was about the extent of it. Seeing as it was getting quite late as well he was going to ask if she wanted to stay over for the night, he could use the company seeing as Lucile was gone. Its not like they had a shortage of things to talk about, even though after a beating like that she probably needed rest.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 16 Mar 2017 - 5:32

You are with him, focus on the here and now, don't worry about what could happen. Worrying about the future will only spoil the present, Tatia sank en klump ganske let. Det var som om, at hun havde manglet nogle til at sætte hendes syn i et andet perspektiv. Hun skulle passe på med at være for bekymret, men hun havde lært hårdt - at hvis det var sket før, kunne det ske igen. Og hun havde ikke tænkt sig at miste ham igen. Tatia blev meget opmærksom da han fortalte, at han ville fortælle hende noget som Wade havde fortalt ham. Det var sjovt, hvordan blot benævnelsen af Wade fik en helt anden Tatia frem i rummet. If you love someone, you never give up on them. Especially if they love you back.. They have given you their heart… Its your responsibility to keep it whole, et kært kort grin, nok nærmere fnøs forlod hendes læber. Det lød som noget Wade ville sige, og det ville ikke undre ham.
"It sure sounds like his words," pointerede hun med et varmt smil. Dog var hun stadigvæk ekstremt nysgerrig over, hvordan Nicholas havde mødt Wade - Wade og hende havde begge haft et hårdt år uden hinanden, dog på meget forskellige måder. Hvad Wade hundrede procent havde lavet, vidste hun ikke helt - udover han havde bebrejdet sig selv.

De blågrønne tog ikke øjnene fra Nicholas, og hun lyttede til hvert eneste ord han sagde. Endnu engang trak hun på smilebåndet. But it was enough for me to see that he is a good man. Tatia nikkede, og virkede meget mere afslappet end da hende og Nicholas først mødtes.
"He is the best." Svarede hun inden hun overhovedet nåede at tænke over det. Et halv drillende glimt skød frem i hendes øjne, dog på en varm måde. Han nævnte Lucile, ikke at Tatia vidste meget om hende - men nok til at hun ikke anså hende som noget dårligt. I feel for her what you feel for Wade.. Det kære smil på Tatia strakte sig stort op på hendes læber, det var første gang nogen snakkede med hende på denne her måde - på samme dybe niveau af forståelse.
"Well, then it's good she has you in her life. That kind of love is rare, it will survive everything." Fortalte hun ham, og talte af erfaring. Hvad hende og Wade dog ikke havde overlevet.

Let rynkede hun på brynet da han sagde, at han var nød til at spørge om noget; What creature are you exactly? - What are you doing around theses parts if you've not been here before? Dog slappede ansigtet hurtigt af efter spørgsmålet var ude. Tatia havde intet at skjule når det kom til hende race.
"I don't mind.. I'm a proud shapeshifter. Can change into a direwolf.. also known as a giant wolf." Svarede hun først. Hun havde dog ikke skiftet form længe, ikke efter hvad de mærkelige jæger ting havde gjort imod hende. Frygten for at være fanget mellem menneskeformen og ulveformen igen - det var for smertefuldt overhovedet at tænke på. "And I have brother somewhere around.. he is not my biological brother, but still my little brother.. but I'm not a city person, or I can walk my way around in Firewood Village - not here." Tilføjede hun og sank en klump. Hvor Razor befandt sig var et myterium for hende, måske skulle hun have spurgt ham?
"One thing I don't like in the city is the bloodsuckers, they are like the hunters in the woods. The hunters are just way worse. Like I understand the vampires, many of them are just hunting to feed. The hunters.. just kill and tortures for fun - seems like it should be the other way around." Sagde hun så bare pludseligt ud i luften, som tankerne samlede sig om den nye viden. Så blinkede hun et par gange for at fokusere på deres egentlige samtale.

"It's pretty funny really.. Normally I wouldn't walk up to a stranger and ask for help. Normally I would make a run for it, guess I'm just tried at fighting all the time. Like I can take it, but it's not that much fun - and it hurts. Not anymore, but inside.. it still does." Hvad der fik hende til at åbne den boks, var et godt spørgsmål. Det havde ikke noget med den givende situation at gøre, bare hendes hjerte der havde brug for at blive lidt lettet. Tatia følte sig en anelse svag for at sige som hun gjorde, og anede slet ikke det fjerneste om hvad Nicholas ville sige - måske var det derfor hun sagde det. Tatia sank en klump og løftede stille blikket tilbage på Nicholas.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 16 Mar 2017 - 19:15

As she told him their love would survive anything it brought him solace, he always believed it would, but hearing someone else say it boosted his confidence in it. He wasn't used to talking about his feelings for Lucile to anyone, thinking back, she was the only one he had spoken to about it, properly at least. It wasn't the fact that he kept it hidden or that he saw it as a weakness, it was more the fact that he didn't think other people would understand it, but it felt different with Tatia.

As she answered his question on her race he was surprised, it was the first time actually meeting a shapeshifter, knowingly at least. And a wolf as well, the animal he held dearest to his heart. He respected all creatures equally, but he was always more fond of wolves, maybe it was that he could relate to them somehow, or maybe it was just admiration. Their loyalty, their ferocious yet gentle nature, there was so much people could learn from them. He had seen wolfs before, around the time of the war, but never a direwolf, the closest he had gotten to them was through books and studies. "Interesting.. i must say i envy you a bit for that." ending it with a smile as he said it. He knew what she was talking about when she talked about her brother. He was a big believer in the fact that blood did not mean family, you created your own family life. There was no one in his family that shared his blood, except for the child that was on the way. The other part made him smile as he responded. "Yeah, its not exactly a small city, and this is just one of the many districts in it.." He said understandably, seeing as she was a wolf she probably knew her woods by heart, where as he would get lost after five minutes.

What she said after made him think about something that had always been on his mind, but was slightly changed after he met Lucile. His entire life he hated killing, that's partly why he took his oath, people killing for sport was disgusting to him, because there was no reason for it, it was only meaningless killing. "I've always thought like this, but when i met Lucile who is a demon, it became a lot more apparent to me. Creatures hunting humans or other races for that matter is just as normal as a wolf hunting a rabbit, it's the circle of life. Everyone has a certain diet. But killing for sport? Makes me sick just thinking about it. So you're right there, people calling a vampire a monster because they need blood to survive, but torturing animals is fine.. What a joke.." He had tried to keep a cheerful tone, but as he thought about this it mad him angry, especially knowing he couldn't do anything about it. "Sorry.. just gets to me, i can't even imagine what you have to deal with.." He didn't mean to bring the mood down, he was well aware she knew more about this than he did, he only heard about it, but she lived it.

As he listened to what she said it made him think about people, and himself. Because he could understand it, at least in his own way. "Never feel bad about letting others help you, trusting others is not a weakness, but a strength. Of course you will eventually get hurt, i have several scars proving me wrong for trusting people, but i will never stop. There is so much goodness out there, don't let the bad stop you from finding the good. Riding out your life alone will get tiring, lonesome, and it will kill you one day. You will meet so many good people if you just give it a chance." He said with such hope in his voice, he could go on and on about this, even use his own life as an example. After he met and opened up to Lucile, it opened the door the rest of the people he now called family. But the more he said to her the more he felt like he was lecturing her, which was not his intention at all. He just wanted her to give people a chance. Just because there is a few drops of dirty water in the ocean, it does not mean the entire ocean is dirty.

As that thought finishes the healing seemed to be done, the wound was fully closed. "Alright, it's healed, is there anywhere else you feel pain? it will be lot quicker to heal lesser wounds." He said with a serious yet cheerful voice as he lifts her jacket back up from her shoulder and packs the bag away. Seeing as the fire had died more down since they started he got up from the sofa and put another log in before heading towards the kitchen area "Are you thirsty? I have water if you want any." He said curiously, he was getting water either way, so fetching another cup wouldn't be a problem.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 16 Mar 2017 - 20:08

Tatia ville ikke bytte at være shapeshifter for noget andet i verden. Nogle ville måske finde det frustrerende og andre som hende ville elske at løbe rundt i skoven.
"Trust me, it's an amazing feeling," pointerede hun og fokuserede for en enkelt gangs skyld på noget positivt omkring at skifte form. Tatia vidste det ville tage tid før ulven og mennesket talte samme sprog igen, men det skulle nok komme. Det havde det bare at gøre.
"I will find him when the light comes back.. it's to dark to find him anyway," svarede hun og åndede let ud. Razor kunne klare sig selv, ligesom hun selv kunne.

Hun kendte til vreden omkring emnet. Hundredevis af traumatiske minder flashede forbi hendes øjne. Alle de gange forskellige grupper af jægere, havde forsøgt sig at teste på shapeshifters - mindst 3 gange i hendes liv havde hun været ved forløb hos sådanne jægere - det var ikke ligefrem fordi det blev sjovere. Sorry.. just gets to me, i can't even imagine what you have to deal with.. Tatia sukkede let, men ikke fordi det gjorde hende noget.
"It gets to me too, I just tend to push the feeling away - otherwise I wouldn't be here right now," forklarede hun kort, ikke fordi hun gik i detaljer - han var langtfra interesseret i at høre på hendes traumatiske liv. Plus så ville hun heller ikke kede andre med det. trusting others is not a weakness, but a strength. Det var tydeligt at hans ord nåede ind til hende på en måde, måden hun rynkede på øjenbrynene - og prøvede at sætte det i perspektiv. Of course you will eventually get hurt, i have several scars proving me wrong for trusting people, but i will never stop. Tatia tog en dyb indånding ganske kort.
"I don't get hurt anymore.. I don't think there is a part of me left that haven't been shattered before. I'm not stopping either, how would I else have followed you?" Spurgte hun med et lille skævt smil der skød frem inden smerten i det indre øje nåede at tage over.

Alright, it's healed, is there anywhere else you feel pain? it will be lot quicker to heal lesser wounds. Tatia rystede let på hovedet. Der var vidst ikke andre skader udover dem indeni, og det kunne selv den bedste healer ikke ændre.
"No, but thank you." Svarede hun ham med et varmere smil. Tatia rullede skuldrene lidt og vippede nakken til siden for at rette musklerne til. Så snart han gik imod køkkenet, var Tatia lystet hen til pejsen. Hun vippede hovedet let på skrå, og kunne ikke længere modstå flammernes forførerne stemmer.
"Some water would be nice, so yes please." Svarede hun ham, og vendte kort ansigtet imod køkkenet. Så snart hun havde svaret var blikket atter imod flammerne. De var ikke særlig store endnu, ilden var stadigvæk ved at gribe fat i brændet. Det var en evne hun ikke anede hvordan hun kontrollerede endnu, men det gjorde hende ikke bange for ilden. Let løftede hun hånden frem og lavede nogle små bevægelser med sine fingre i luften. Pludselig var det som om ilden fik lettere fat om brændet, og bød hende op til dans. Et smil strakte sig op på Tatias læber, men hun mindede også lidt om en der var i en form for trance.

"I guess you have seen the mark in the cabin.. that looks like someone was burned alive?" Spurgte hun da hun hørte ham. Dog tog hun ikke øjnene fra de smukke - farlige flammer. "Do you believe some one can be reborn from the flames?" Spurgte hun nysgerrigt og drejede derpå blikket væk fra flammerne for at rejse sig op. Flammerne faldt på en neutral grund så snart hun forlod deres selskab.
"Some hunters tried to burn me alive, that is why the burn marks is there. But I survived, that, and many other things. I just find it interesting, maybe the devil thinks this is my hell after all." Tatia talte lidt i tåger, eller måske tænkte hun blot højt. Hun nød bare at snakke løs uden at tænke på nogle begyndte at bekymre sig om hendes mentale tilstand. "The reason the hunters wanted to find me.. was because of this thing.. stupid choice they gave me.. be our experiment or be our slave. I choose experiment.. I don't even think it made it any better that I'm good at handling my pain.. just seemed to give them everything they wanted. Who makes a shapeshifter force to change, and not let them complete their transformation - but just let them be in the middle transformation where every cell.. every bone hurts. Who does that?" Spurgte hun lidt ud i luften og sank en klump. Måske var det hendes måde bare at tale ud på, det var ikke noget hun gjorde meget af. Specielt ikke til dem der var tæt på, måske var hun bange for de ville synes hun var svag.

"A year before that.. Wade and I were taken.. by these people. Almost killed us both.. that was the reason he broke up with me. I was more easy for me I guess.. to handle.. because I had been there before. I guess, every one thinks I'm okay.. but I'm not. I just have to, you know?" Tatia pustede ud og kørte en hånd henover sit hår.
"I'm so sorry.. I just hit the emotional road, and I didn't meant for you to hear me talking about all the negative stuff.. I guess I just kinda needed it.. I'm sorry," undskyldte hun og så op i loftet for at holde et par enkelte tåre tilbage. Hvordan det var lykkedes ham at vinde hendes tillid så hurtigt, var sikkert på grund af Wade, men også hans venlighed. Han havde været venlig imod hende, uden at have nogen grund. At han kendte Wade, gjorde det kun bedre.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Fre 17 Mar 2017 - 4:54

As she told him about not getting hurt anymore it made him feel bad for her, thinking she had probably been pushed to her limit several times. But his serious expression was quickly changed into a more cheerful one. "Fair enough" He said with a slight smile on his face. It seemed she hadn't given up on people, which made him a bit more relaxed as he finished his healing.

He walked into the kitchen and found two cups which he then put on a table, pouring water from a jug that was sitting on the table. What were the chances of him finding Wades girl only days after meeting him. Knowing who she was he had become a bit protective of her, not that she needed it, she was clearly a warrior. But he saw Wade as a friend, which meant that Tatia was also a friend, besides, she was a good person, that much he could tell. If there was something this district was lacking of it was good people, so it was always nice meeting one.
As soon as he walked back into the room with her she started talking to her, asking him about the marks in the cabin, which he did. "I have.." He said with a low and serious voice. He noticed them as he sat by the fireplace but he never asked Wade about them, it didn't seem like his place to do so. Her question was unusual but it wasn't weird for him, not after everything he had seen in his lifetime, but it made him think. "After what I've seen I'll believe anything, but I've never heard of it before." He said with a curious voice, wondering where she was going with it. He's standing next to the sofa holding the cups, absorbed in her story as she tells it.

As she tells it his curious look turns into a shocked and sad loo as he realizes. He wanted to say something, try and make a positive out of it, but he was going to let her finish before he said anything. In the second part of her story he gets chills down his spine, it reminds him of someone, a sadist like no other, Ramsey.. He was exactly the type of person that would do something like that, thinking about what he did to Lucile, and the countless victims that Nicholas had treated. It makes him angry knowing there were others doing similar things, like what she was put through, but he tried not showing it to her, anger wouldn't change anything.

Just as she finishes and starts apologizing he was not having none of that. So he sits down next to her and hands her one of the cups, placing the now free hand on her shoulder comforting her as best he could as he looks her in eyes when he speaks. "Don't be sorry, it's alright, letting it out is a good thing, it relieves pent up tension. I really appreciate you trusting me enough to tell me." His voice is calm but has a cheerful tone behind it. "There is no way i can even imagine the pain you have been through, but it is beyond what one should be able to handle, yet you emerged from it every time, you are strong, don't let anyone tell you differently. However, i can relate to some of it, putting on armor so that people can't see you break, staying strong because you half to, can't afford to crack. You have to stop carrying everything on your back, there are people around you that are willing to lighten the load. It doesn't take much, just do what you just did, talk about it, let it out, don't keep it inside. If you don't, it will set you on a dark path.." The voice gets more and more sorrowful as he continues. It had hit him very close to home.

After finishing he squeezes her shoulder before he lets go and stares at the fire. When a few seconds of silence had past and he had taken a sip of his cup and started out of nowhere "Youknow... i might have my scars, but its not pain that haunts me.. it's guilt.." The entirety of his talking he just stares into the fireplace, not even blinking as he just thinks out loud. "Everyone thinks you get used to patients dying... but that's not the case at all.. i have enough blood on my hands to drown a village, and i remember every single one of them.." He clenches his teeth just thinking about it, and debates if he should continue, but seeing as she shared what she did, it would only be fair. "I have a scar on my chest, it's not big, but every time i see or feel it, i think back.. the amount of people that died that day because of me.." He feels his throat getting dry so takes another sip from the cup before he continues. "Eight years ago the was a war, you've probably heard of it, the Necromancer attacking this city. Well, i was in charge of a field hospital close to the front line, we took care of the wounded soldiers coming from the front. It was close to the end, we had lost the war a long time ago, but they kept sending men to die by the undead army, only delaying the inevitable.. One day, the camp got attacked, and we weren't ready for that, it was a field hospital, not a military one, it's supposed to be left in peace. But of course seeing as the enemy was undead, it should have been obvious." He stretches the story as long as he can because he doesn't really want to talk about what happened. But seeing as he started it, he would see it through. " The day they attacked, the soldiers guarding us were killed within seconds, me and the doctors i had with me had training in combat but we didn't stand a chance, most of them ran. I took a spear to the chest, not a fatal one, just enough to get me to the ground, but a colleague got me on my feet and started dragging me towards the exit. The thing is, i started running with him... I left countless wounded people that was under my care, to die, i could have fought, but i didn't... So their blood is on me." Nearing the and his voice had started to crack, even as he tried hiding it.

It was the first time he had told that story to anyone, as good as it felt letting it out, hearing it out loud made the guilt inside him rise again. "The dark path i said you would end up on... I've been on it. I have always believed that after all the death i caused, justice would find its way to me. But the years went by and i was still alive, so i decided to end it myself... I had gotten my affairs in order, but before i could go through with it, i met Lucile, and she saved my life... got me off the dark path." He had formed a slight smile when he mentioned Lucile. "Talking and sharing my life with her made it a lot easier to live with myself.. Don't be afraid that you might scare him away, when we spoke he made the impression that there was no way he was going to loose you again. You are supposed to take care of each other, if you can't talk to him, who can you talk to?" He said with a now serious voice as he really did cared for what happened to her.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Fre 17 Mar 2017 - 21:27

Det bragte en ro over hende at snakke om tingene - eller få et udbrud om tingene. Don't be sorry, it's alright, letting it out is a good thing, it relieves pent up tension. Let nikkede hun stille og åndede mere lettet ud. Det var rart at komme ud med smerten, hun vidste hvordan det ville ende hvis hun ikke gjorde det. Hvis hun lod den æde hende op ville den blive til vrede - og hendes vrede var aldrig godt. Specielt når hun kom så meget ud i den at den blev utæmmelig. Putting on armor so that people can't see you break, staying strong because you half to, can't afford to crack. You have to stop carrying everything on your back, there are people around you that are willing to lighten the load. It doesn't take much, just do what you just did, talk about it, let it out, don't keep it inside. If you don't, it will set you on a dark path.. Ordene fik hendes tanker sat igang over alt, men også samlet i små bokse. Det var tydeligt at se på hende at hun tænkte sig meget om inden hun sagde noget - hvilket normalt ikke ligefrem lagde til Tatia, der altid vidste hvad hun skulle sige.
"I did that many years ago.. if it wasn't for Wade.. I would never have been able to see the other things then anger. Anger is the way worse then anything else, it leads to loss of control. Loss of who you are." Sagde hun lidt for sig selv, og rystede tankerne ud af hovedet. Det var en meget ung alder at tage sin første mørke tur i en alder af 9 år, og igen som 13 årig.

Flammerne var umådelig tiltrækkende at stirre på, deres dans frem og tilbage imens snakken gled ganske følelsesladet rundt i rummet. but its not pain that haunts me.. it's guilt.. Tatia kendte til skyld. Skyld skreg over hele fortiden, fra det øjeblik hun havde leget rundt og det næste øjeblik var det grunden til hendes far var død. Skylden over Ethan blev slået ihjel af dæmonen.. skylden over Wade var kommet så meget til skade at han næsten havde ramt døden. Skylden.. Skyld var noget hun havde lært at bruge til at trække vejret, og det var blevet en del af hendes sjæl.

i have enough blood on my hands to drown a village, and i remember every single one of them. Tatia holdt vejret lidt, og tankerne løb over de liv hun havde taget. Man huskede altid de liv man havde taget - det var hendes teori i hvert fald. Dog lyttede hun videre uden at tilføje noget, hun lod ham tale ud - ligesom han havde gjort ved hende. Da han nikkede de levende døde, nikkede hun let - nok havde hun været i Ashen Wood, og selvom kampen havde været der også - var det også en ting hun havde overlevet. Flokke overlevede sådanne ting sammen, ellers var en shapeshifter ude af kontrol - som kunne slagte en ved sit blik nok til at udslette en del. Nicholas fik hende til at tænke en del, men også på den måde hun normalt tænkte på - og Tatia kunne ganske vidst være ganske vis på nogle måder. I left countless wounded people that was under my care, to die, i could have fought, but i didn't... So their blood is on me.
"Blood will be on all our hands one day, someway. It sure matters, as much as you want it to matter. The guilt will haunt you, till you forgive yourself for it." Fortalte hun stille og flyttede sit blik hen på ham. Hvis man blev ved med at grave i skylden, ville den plage en forevigt - og det var virkelig ikke noget hun ønskede- hverken for hende selv eller ham.

Det var umuligt at forklare hvor glad hun var, for egentlig at møde nogle der havde så meget at relatere til. Smilet strøj på hendes læber da han nævnte Lucile, nok mest fordi hun kunne se hans lille smil - det gjorde hende vel glad, at se andre være glade for hinanden på den måde som hun elskede Wade. I met Lucile, and she saved my life... got me off the dark path. Tatia vippede hovedet let imod den modsatte side.
"I'm glad you found her. Meeting the right people at the right time, saves us from the darkest demons at times," tilføjede hun og åndede en anelse tungt ud. "I've been on a dark path before.. twice .. really.. It gets darker everytime," pointerede hun dog, måske for at han skulle holde sig fra at falde i igen. Don't be afraid that you might scare him away, Tatia kunne mærke hvordan hjertet sprang en takt over, og hun holdt vejret en ekstra gang. You are supposed to take care of each other, if you can't talk to him, who can you talk to? Nicholas vidste, hvad han skulle sige til hende - uden direkte at kende hende, hvilket hun fandt ganske imponerende.
"I have.. talk with him about some of it. He knows about my past - he knows what happened to me. I just think it's me accepting that I let it all happen to me, that I need to find peace with." Svarede hun og kløede sig let i nakken.

"It's that kind of love that makes you believe in destiny. When you feel like you are lost, but you can see - and hear them, telling you to keep on fighting.. and the breath you take  - that you think is your last.. then you hear that sound.. a howl in the night,"
Tatia sank let en klump og åndede ud, "wolves have all time of howls, and I heard his - even after a year apart. It was stille strong enough to bring me back and keep fighting. He saved me.. so many times, and he always thinks that he can't," tilføjede hun og sank lidt en klump imens hun tænkte.
"I guess it's because I'm the impulsive one. I feel something and I act, and I don't want to lose him - or anyone.. so I would rather die in the fight then let him be killed.. because I wouldn't be able to survive that." Tatia talte lidt for sig selv. Tanken om at skulle overleve Wade, det kunne hun ikke - hun ville ikke."Enough of that... who would have guessed it could be so emotional getting healed." En latter forlod hendes læber ganske kærligt og en smule løftende i tonelejet.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 18 Mar 2017 - 18:31

They more they talked the more alike they became, Wade saved her just as Lucile had saved him, he had never met anyone outside Lucile that could actually understand him, it was refreshing. But a he talked about his past had overwritten his mind as he hoped he could talk about it while still in control of his thoughts. When she said the guilt would be there forever until he forgave himself, it made him think. Because he had heard that before, but he could never forgive himself for what he had done. To him, forgiving himself for letting other people die would only render their death meaningless and him not showing they respect they deserved. It was something he had to live with, but now that Lucile was in his life it was worth it, she made all problems go away.

He could see that she meant what she said about the dark path, which meant she understood exactly what he was saying, it was comforting in a way, knowing she understood, but he also felt bad because she had been through it herself as well. But what she said after made him more relaxed. That she did talk to him and she found, or at least tried finding peace was something he envied. "That's good, there is nothing better than finding peace in what you've been through, life's worries just starts to fade after that.." He says with a calm voice. Hoping one day he would find his own peace with Lucile. As she talked about the howls he listened carefully, it was intriguing to him, it was something he could not fully relate to because he was not a wolf, but he did understand the sentiment behind it. Especially what she ended it with, not being able to live without him, she would rather die than loose him first. It was like he said it himself, that's almost what he did back when he met Wade, he was getting ready for a final blow at Ramsey, probably dying in the process, but hoping his death would save her. Luckily Wade and Lucile talked him out of that, without them even knowing he was up to. She was the whole reason he was alive in the first place, so if she were to pass.. there was no other reason for him to stay. "Yeah.. i know the feeling.." He said rather lightly, just staring into nothing as he said it. He could say more about it but he felt like they both understood it perfectly.

As she made her remark and laughed it got him laughing with her as well. "Yeah.. i have to say its a first for me... Almost." he said with a cheerful voice again, remembering that it had happened before with Lucile as well. But Tatia was right, that was enough steam to let out for a good while. It was getting quite late and he wanted to offer her to stay here before it got too late, so she could still leave if she wanted to. "So, before we start getting another breakdown, i want to offer you a bed for the night. You can take the bedroom if you want, i don't really mind where i sleep." He started with a cheerful voice, ending it with a smile. Its not that he wanted to sleep, he could stay up all night talking if she wanted to, it was just so she didn't have to worry about when and where to go.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 18 Mar 2017 - 19:45

Hun nød at snakke med ham, på en uforklarlig måde. Det var måden de talte omkring tingene, som om at de forstod hinanden på et niveau som ingen rigtig havde forstået hende før. For Tatia var det rart, og hun følte sig mindre ensom i den store verden - sommetider kunne man føle sig umådeligt ensom selvom man var med en stor flok. Mørket elskede at ruske op i en, og prøve at flå en fra hinanden stykke for stykke - og det krævede en del viljestyrke ikke at falde helt fra hinanden. Yeah.. i know the feeling.. Følelsen af at overleve andre, kunne hun ikke - hun havde overlevet nok og tanken om at kunne gøre noget nu. Hun var stærk nok til at kunne gøre noget, så ville hun også gøre noget. Tatia sank let en klump, inden hun lettede den følelsesladede stemning. So, before we start getting another breakdown, i want to offer you a bed for the night. Smilet bredte sig let på læberne, som hun stoppede med at grine blot for at sende ham et smil.
"That would be nice, thank you," svarede hun ham, og et sted i hende faldt mere til ro - for nu skulle hun ikke tænke på, hvor hun skulle gå hen bagefter. Det var altid rart at kende sine planer og selvom Razor havde lært hende at bryde ind i nogle huse for nattely - så fortrak hun at kunne sove ud når det kom til stykket. For tiden satte hun pris på en god nattesøvn, også selvom det kun skete når hun var i Wades selskab.

"How did you meet her? Lucile," spurgte Tatia lettere nysgerrigt og vippede hovedet en tak på skrå. Små historier omkring folks glæder, gjorde hende altid en tak mere glad i sindet. Specielt når det var nogle der forstod hendes følelser på et bestemt punkt. Let samlede hun benene op under sig og hvilede hagen imod knæene. Dog lyttede hun opmærksomt til ham, for hun ønskede at lære ham det bedre at kende. Der var mange ting og hvis hun ikke faldt i søvn på et eller andet tidspunkt, kunne de sikkert snakke hele natten. Det kom helt an på, hvor meget tillid hun gav ham - men han havde den allerede, så det var da et skridt i den rigtige retning. Sådan var det ofte når hun havde ladet sig knække foran folk, bryde sammen, det bragte en hvis tillid til personen at hun faktisk turde at gøre det. For hun var en person der var bygget af styrke, og at vise sig svag var kun få der fik lov til at se.

//Sorry it got a little short :c


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 19 Mar 2017 - 14:15

When she accepted his offer to stay over for the night he got relieved, it meant he had more time to talk to her before she left him. "Alright then, its settled" He said with a cheerful tone and smile, leaning back against one of the sides of the sofa. He had become more relaxed after letting stuff out, it was nice sitting there next to her and the fireplace, calm, warm and good company. He was about to ask her about something but she beat him to it, asking how he met Lucile.

"Well, you already know the state i was in before i met her.. It was just another day of work, seeing patients and studying. Suddenly Lucile walked in the door, wanting me to heal her mind, and something happened because of her mind. I don't think i should go into detail about what because it's quite personal for her. But eventually we traded stories for a while." As he spoke his smile got wider because of the memories i thought back on. "Then all of a sudden people burst in with a wounded man with a big open wound, naturally i had to treat it on the spot, and seeing as i was not used to demons i had Lucile help me, little did i know that the wounded man made her hungry and made her leave the house without saying a word to me. So obviously i got worried for her and when i finished stitching up the patient i went out after her." His voice becomes more grim but he still has a short smile on his face. "When i eventually found her she was out of control, acting like a starved animal, because that's what she was, starved. As i approached her she jumped me, pressing my face down on the concrete, her teeth was on my neck before she managed to get enough control to get off me and hurt herself to avoid hurting me.. When i finally got her back home i fixed her up and spent my last energy healing her on this sofa, falling asleep on her." The longer he told the story the more he just stared into the fire.

As he finished he turned his eyes towards Tatia. "And that was the first day we met." He said with a slight chuckle. Now he wanted to hear her story. "Now I'm curious to how you and Wade met" He said with a grin, ready for an interesting story. He was aware there was of course only so much she could share, just like he had skipped a lot of vital information, like Lucy, but he figured there was no reason to say anything about her or the like unless Lucile was present and agreed with it. Basically it was not his place to say it, so he said what he felt he could without making anything up.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 19 Mar 2017 - 16:28

Tatia så lyttende på ham mens han fortalte, ganske rigtig nød hun at høre andres historier - det skete dog bare ikke så tit at hun fik det behov opfyldt. Det var på tide for dem begge at høre noget godt, eller bare noget som bragte minder frem om den rigtige person. Roen i hjertet efter den følelsesmæssige snak de havde haft, så var dette her rart. Snart flyttede hun blikket ind imod flammerne, og lyttede videre. Dannede sig mulige billeder i hovedet af hele forløbet. Let blinkede hun overrasket, da han snakkede om Lucile havde haft angrebet ham - men heldigvis havde genvundet kontrollen. Tatia kendte til det med at miste kontrollen - alt for godt. And that was the first day we met, Tatia så over på Nicholas igen med en anelse store øjne.

Now I'm curious to how you and Wade met, uden egentlig at tænke over hvordan hun reagerede - blomstrede der sig et smil op på hendes læber. Mest fordi, når hun så tilbage på det nu - var det minder som gjorde hende varm indeni.
"Okay," startede hun og rettede sig lidt op inden hun tog en dyb indånding. "Well, I was 15,  just moved in with the pack, I might have been there few weeks at that time. Some of the other members loved to make a fool out of me, so I started working harder - alone. I was so angry at that time, way more animal then human - I was training a little deeper in the woods, and Wade came up to me.. he wanted to see test me.. he pushed all my bottoms .. Like really pushed my bottoms - made me explode - he was an ass, " Et fnøs forlod hendes læber ved mindet, hvor vred hun havde været der - og irriteret over Wade der blev ved med at prikke til hende. "I know now he just did it so I could let it all out. All my emotions attacked me and I had a breakdown.. but he was there for me and made it okay to be angry.. to be sad. He shared his story, so I felt okay sharing mine. He made me feel like I was home," tilføjede hun og kørte en hånd igennem sit hår.

Tatia holdt en lille pause, men ikke meget længe.
"After that we never separated, not till all the crazy things started happening." Et mindre suk forlod hendes læber men smilet fandt hurtigt vejen op til hendes læber igen.
"I guess we just needed to adjust the new things to our world." Det var en konklusion for hende, at det havde været for store ændringer der havde skubbet dem fra hinanden.  "Like I think it's fate, when people separate and find their way back to each other," tilføjede hun og smilede stort. Måske var hun lidt af en håbløst romantiker, specielt når det kom til Wade. Der var ikke andre steder hun ønskede at være end ved Wade, alt andet føltes forkert på måder hun ikke kunne forklare.
"That is the end of that story," sagde hun så og vendte blikket imod Nicholas. Let kløede hun sig i nakken og trak en smule på den ene skulder.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 19 Mar 2017 - 23:35

It felt nice talking about his past, but then again that was probably because it involved Lucile. Either way it was nice to reminisce to the good times before he had the upcoming trouble on his mind, keeping his thoughts occupied everyday. But now it was her turn to tell, so he focused his attention on her as she spoke about how she met Wade for the first time. As she spoke he learned something new, even tho she was a shapeshifter, meaning not purely a human but not purely a wolf either, she till roamed with packs, which enlightened him more about the shapeshifters. As he heard the part about Wade getting her to let out her anger and emotions he gained more respect for him, he sounded so caring, even if he didn't know her. That they stayed together that long, even if it included breaks. It was something he wanted with Lucile, they haven't known each other for that long, and they already had a child on the way. It made him smile just thinking about it.  

When she spoke of fate it made him think about something, as a man of science beliefs were limited, but he had seen some unbelievable things in his time. Either way, his mind had expended a lot since he met Lucile, in all kinds of directions, if fate did exist, he was sure that they were fated to meet, and stay together forever. Or well, at least until she outlived his normal human life.. He snapped out of it before going down that road, it had already been walked and he had no plans on going there again. "Fate huh.." he said with a weird voice, not knowing how to respond to that. There was something to what she said, but he wasn't sure how he thought about fate, it was a conflicting subject.

"I have another question for you if you don't mind, i just find you very interesting is all" He said with a cheerful voice, laughing at the end of it. "I've been part of squads and close groups during my time in hospital and the field hospital. You get close to them like a small family. But i bet its far from as close as your packs right? How does all that work, how do you choose a pack, and what is expected of you?" He said with his voice full of curiosity, but realizing that it might be a bit much. "I'm sorry if that was too much" with an apologetic voice, chuckling almost nervously. He didn't mean to be so forward about it, it was just that he found the whole shapeshifter life very fascinating. And knowing her take on it would interesting to hear about.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Man 20 Mar 2017 - 5:32

Skæbnen var en ting mange havde et syn på, og det var ofte dybt forskelligt hvad folk havde af meninger om den. For hende ville hun ikke vide hvad hun skulle tro på uden den. Alt skete af en grund, og det var med at finde grunden til at visse ting i ens liv skete. I have another question for you if you don't mind, i just find you very interesting is all, et lille grin spejlede sig i hans, men hun nikkede let til ham. Tatia havde ikke ligefrem noget at skjule, de havde været igennem hendes følelsesmæssige sammenbrud - så nu var hun som en åben bog. How does all that work, how do you choose a pack, and what is expected of you? Tatia kørte en hånd igennem sit hår. Det var altid spændende hvordan folk reagerede når hun sagde en flok, det lød så dyrisk - og det var dyrisk. På sin egen specielle måde.
"It's okay, It's very interesting really," startede hun stille og sendte Nicholas et smil. "As a person who has a hard time feeling home, I have been in two packs. Each pack is very different, depending on the alpha. In the pack Wade and I were a part of.. The black hounds. You don't really choose which pack you will be a part of, the alpha decides with can be that. Niylah found me and took me in - to let time see if I would fit in, guided me and she was like a sister. We all ended up having this close bond to each other," forklarede hun stille og smilede lidt ved tanken. Det havde været så godt i starten før alt faldt fra hinanden. "Our ways might be a little harsh sometimes, we have a big hunt once a month - we take people from prison and if they can make it out of the territory before we get them - they are free, if not. We also have the big games to find the strongest warrior. Combat, it's very fun - I won few times," Tatia skar lidt på en grimasse, man måtte vel godt prale engang imellem.

"We hunt, fight together. Everyone has something to do, Wade was teaching the younger ones how to fight, but he was also helping our alpha and were the one to take over. I taught some in combat to, and language - the language in the packs in the woods is hard to learn," forsatte hun og trak lidt på den ene skulder. "There are packs in all Ashen Wood. Luna.. Wades sister has one in the south with jaguars also giant jaguars - my brother Blake has one in the north, not as much a pack but still a pack he just doesn't care if you are angel, shapeshifter or human" let trak hun på skulderen. Tatia kendte mange og ville nok være det bedste kort rundt i skoven. "I also met a pack of shapeshifters whom can turn to bears, don't go on their land," pointerede hun med et lille grin.
"As you can tell, I know a lot about the woods.." let kløede hun sig i nakken. Alt den snak var noget som bare fik hende til at tale og tale. Men mindede hende også om hun burde snakke med Niylah igen. Efter alt ville hun ikke have Niylah skulle tro, at Tatia havde glemt hende.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 21 Mar 2017 - 3:05

As he listened to her talk about the pack life, it was as he suspected to a certain degree, very much like a pack of wolves would be for example. There was a lot he didn't know though, like the amount of work that was in it, the teachings the fighting and the.. hunt, which he was not very fond of but it wasn't his place to object to it. Everything she said he noted in his head, The black hounds, the leader Niylah and the location of the other packs she knew of, the jaguars and the bears, it was all noted down. Just in case he needed it in the future. When she mentioned the combat games and how she had won some of them it made him smile at her as he responded. "yeah i bet" with a cheerful voice. She was a strong warrior, he could see that clear as day, and judging by her past he was correct. After hearing how it was like it made him a bit envious of their lifestyle, it was no doubt hard work, but it seemed to be filled with freedom, never having to deal with people and their greed, the lack of equality in the districts. Though he had no doubt they had problems of their own, like the hunters she mentioned before. He had no idea people hunted shapeshifters before she told him. But thinking about it everything was hunted by something, so he should have guessed it.

When she mentioned the bear pack it made him smile, more so when he saw her grin, it sounded like such a story. Living the life she was there was bound to be endless stories she could tell. So much she had experienced and gone through, making her a stronger person. What did he have to tell, his life started at the bottom, reached a height and crashed bellow bottom and stayed there until he met Lucile. All he had done his life was be a doctor, he had barely left the city at all in his entire life. But a positive thing about that was that he knew the streets extremely well, just like she would know the woods. "Yeah i can tell, you know the woods like i know the streets" He said with a light smile.

He sees the flames have gotten lighter so he gets up to throw another log in before sitting back down, staring at the flames, recalling how she acted towards it, sparking his curiosity. "Youknow.. I've always had this ability of mine, since i was a kid, picking pockets with my brother, Tom. He got hurt and that's how i discovered it, it was then and there i knew i was becoming a doctor as well. The ability is helpful but not extremely effective, it wont heal anything fatal, it can't heal diseases or illnesses, the wound has to be under a certain control, as with yours were i had to drastically reduce the bleeding first. And on top of all that i have to focus on it while it drains energy from me. But even with all those limitations.. It has still saved countless lives.. It's just fascinating to think about, what you can do with something that might seem so little." He said with a focused voice, staring into the fireplace, the last part was a reference to more than just his ability, but he would leave it up for interpretation. Then he got to the point of the whole thing. "I've seen how you look and act around the fireplace, the stories and how you talk about fire.. Is there more to you than than the shapeshifting?" He asked curiously, still gazing at the fire as he said it all.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 21 Mar 2017 - 6:09

Tatia glemte aldrig sin første aften i byen efter flere år, der havde hun også ledt efter Razor. Hun stødte altid ind i vampyre når hun ledte efter Razor i byen. You know the woods like i know the streets, et lille grin forlod læberne ganske blidt.
"Yeah, there is so many people here.. so much noise. Not that much at night as during the day. When I was a child I loved the city, just running about not caring about anything. Till my father died, and I ran into the woods when I was 9. So I should know the woods well," fortalte hun og kløede sig let i nakken. Hvis hun ikke havde panikket sådan i sin fortid kunne hun have prøvet at finde Aaron og Alessio - men i stedet var hun stormet mod skoven - den havde lagt lige op til huset, men det havde nok også været det mest sikre at gøre dengang.

De blågrønne øjne fulgte ham som han gik hen for at smide mere brænde til ilden. Historien omkring hans evne fangede hende, hvilket var tydeligt. Det ville have været meget behjælpeligt, hvis hun havde en healende evne, udover hun havde set sin ild heale en skade før - men hun anede ikke hvordan hun gjorde. Faktisk så kontrollerede ilden mere hende end hun gjorde. Sådan var det vel med nye evner. Alle evner havde deres begrænsninger og for det meste utrolige styrker. Selvom hun savnede sin gamle evne, så savnede hun ikke dens svagheder.
"I sure sounds amazing," svarede hun og tankerne begyndte allerede at reflektere over ilden som hun havde oplevet den. I've seen how you look and act around the fireplace, the stories and how you talk about fire.. Is there more to you than than the shapeshifting? Let sank hun en klump, og rettede lidt på sig - mest fordi hun ikke vidste helt hvad der skete omkring ilden.
"After the hunters burned me.. I felt like I was dying.. I think I died, or something close to. Then it became so easy to breathe.. I didn't feel the heat at all, my flesh healed up - like I took the energy from the flames. It heard Wade howling, because he thought I was dead - on instinct told me to go to him, and as I walked the flames died, or got absorbed I don't know.." fortalte hun lettere forvirret og sank en klump, " they spoke to me.. that I could use the fire to heal him, he was stabbed after he killed the hunters that have burned me. So I did what the voice told me to do - and it worked," tilføjede hun og sukkede en anelse og rynkede let på øjenbrynene. Mest fordi det var helt nyt for hende - lidt over en uge, det var ikke længe med en ny evne.
"Razor will love this new ability, but again everything fascinates him - almost. I just wished I knew more about it, how to control it," sagde hun så, det første var mere til hende selv. Hun skulle finde Razor imorgen, det burde ikke være svært.

Tatia rejste sig op og satte sig på hug henne ved Nicholas og ildstedet.
"Like, look at this," sagde hun så og strakte hånden ind mod flammerne. Måden flammerne unaturligt dansede sig hen imod hendes fine fingre, som om de savnede hende. Flammerne ramte og delte sig - små flammer vandrede op af hendes håndryg, og som Tatia vendte hånden var flammerne i håndhulen. Blikket forlod ikke flammerne, totalt draget af ilden. "It doesn't hurt, it's not even warm - it's amazing," tilføjede hun med mere fascineret smil. Tatia trak hånden fra ild stedet og lukkede den for at opsluge ilden ind i sit system.


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Indlæg af Gæst Ons 22 Mar 2017 - 9:38

When she talked about the city it reminded him of the charm it had, but also the flaws it had. Despite all the bad things that happened in the city, there was a lot of good people here, people that cared, even if they were hard to spot at times. But there was also the noise, endless people, the factories. One thing he learned when going to the meadow with Lucile was the peace, the idea of getting the cabin they had talked about seemed more and more tempting. Maybe he could even ask Tatia for advice on that, maybe she knew some places. But that was for another time, it was still far off.

As soon as she mentioned the torture she had endured, he felt bad for asking, he didn't mean to bring any of those memories back to her. But what she said was interesting, she survived or resurrected, whatever happened, she could control the flame, not being harmed by it and using it to heal, much like his ability. As a man of science it made him wonder how it was possible, and how it all worked. He didn't even notice how quiet he had become, he was too absorbed in his thoughts about this. Seeing as it was a new ability there could be a lot more to learn from it, and being better at controlling it could probably strengthen what she already knew.
Then she demonstrated it and it was amazing to watch, the way the flames flowed around her fingers and hand, like she had full control over it, bending it to her will. "Fascinating.." He says with a low voice, still charmed by the ability she had. What made him like it so much is the good she could do with the ability. It wasn't just some raw power that could be used for destruction, it also had the healing side to it, which made it versatile.
After she absorbs the flame in her hand he just sits there gazing at it, still enchanted by her new gift. He had seen a lot of abilities in his days but that would top most of them.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 22 Mar 2017 - 11:19

Det var fantastisk når følelsen ramte, og kontrollen faktisk var der. Endnu havde hun ikke oplevet den løbe løbsk - men hun havde heller ikke haft en ordenlig grund - ikke endnu. Desuden var hun en viljestærk kvinde, som flere år var van til at håndtere nogle ting mere end andre. Hvad hun kunne med sin nye evne, anede hun intet om udover de ting den havde vist hende. Men det var kun når stemmen snakkede til hende og fortalte hende hvad hun skulle gøre. Fascinating.. Let nikkede hun med et stort smil på læben.
"It is.. very, just wished I knew more.. not that I don't have time to learn, because I do," sagde hun så og vendte blikket imod Nicholas. Det var en utrolig evne, men der var andre ting der for tiden gik hende på. Som at hun ikke kunne skifte form, om det havde noget at gøre med hun mistede sin gamle evne.
"You know the kind of thing where you are so afraid to do something, that you get scared when you think about doing it. It seems like every nerve in your entire body is traumatized by the memories.." det kunne reflekteres om. Det kunne være alt fra at være bange for at svømme, til at gå udenfor døren. "I feel like that everytime I want to shift shape into a wolf. My body and mind.. my inner wolf. They don't really get along at the moment, I understand why - I'm terrified of getting stuck in that kind of pain again - but still, I never had a problem like that before.." Let rynkede hun øjenbrynene og kløede sig let i nakken.
"My first change into a wolf was when I was 4.. my problem was always not turning into a wolf but stay human - it's weird feeling the other way around now.. but me and Wade is working on that." Tilføjede hun og rettede sig lidt op. Det var et nedladende emne hun havde startet - for hende i hvert fald.

Et suk forlod hendes læber imens hun så ind i ilden. Trætheden skyllede ind over hende, og fik hende til at gabe let.
"You don't believe that much in fate.. do you?" Spurgte hun så og lod blikket glide tilbage mod flammerne. Hun havde registreret han ikke ligefrem lød til at kunne relatere helt til det begreb, og hun var nysgerrig omkring det. Andres tro og holdninger var ofte meget interessante. "I mean like I know nothing else, my world has always been build up by it.. or somehow I started to believe everything happens for a reason," tilføjede hun en smule undrende.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 22 Mar 2017 - 19:38

He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the sofa a he was gazing in to the fireplace, listening to Tatia. He could understand why she wanted to learn more about her ability, it had such potential, there was no telling what she could do with such a thing. He had been curious himself at times if his own ability had more to it, but for all the years he had it there was no change in it, so had had pretty much given up on that idea.
When she started talking about the being scared of something and the painful memories he could relate on a certain level, it wasn't the same as hers, but it made him think of his morphine addiction. He still had times where he felt like he needed it, being scared that he would break his promise to Lucile and use again, but then he gets reminded of what she did the last time he used, and it is always enough to scare him off using it. It might have been similar but it was far from as bad as Tatia had it by the sound of it. It did help hearing that she was working on it with Wade, made him feel less worried for her.

Then came the question of fate.. It made him grin slightly as he heard it, it wasn't that he was mocking her belief in it, he just had a complicated relationship with fate. " When i was a lot younger i used to believe in it.. I mean, when i found out about my power i thought it was fate and that i was destined to be a doctor, seemed so fitting youknow?" His voice is calm and cheerfull as he reminisces. " But then you get to my line of work, and you start to loose faith in fate, seeing so many people die that don't deserve it, can't be fate.." His face was more grim as he said it, but he still tried keeping it light. "Then i met Lucile, and we fell in love, it felt like it was meant to be, and i started to wonder about fate again.. But now? I'm not just gonna stand by and hope fate keeps us together, i wont trust anything or anyone with our relationship but me and her.." He takes a deep breath before finishing. "Fate has its uses, it brings hope to a lot of people.. I just never trusted it enough i guess, i feel better if i take charge of my own destiny.."
Seeing as he saw her yawn earlier i made sure he wasn't keeping her up. "If you're tired the bedroom is over there, don't let me keep you up." He said with a cheerful voice, pointing to the bedroom not far from the fireplace. If she was going to sleep he would sit a bit longer by the fireplace and reminisce.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Man 27 Mar 2017 - 20:48

Tatia lyttede. Omkring barndommen. Åh barndommen, da man var barn troede man alt var muligt. Som hun var begyndt at tænke tilbage, gik det op for hende, hvor hårdt hendes far faktisk havde opdraget hende - i forhold til Aaron og Alessio. De havde selvfølgelig heller ikke været shapeshifters modsat alle andre i familien, måske var det derfor? Tanken slog hun hurtigt ud af hovedet. And you start to loose faith in fate, seeing so many people die that don't deserve it, can't be fate. Let sank hun en klump, det mindede hende om de liv hun havde taget- i arenaen - generelt. Hun var en morder når det kom til stykket, tvivlede ikke et sekund på sine instinkter til et perfekt kast der kunne smide en jæger ud af spillet. Lucile kom og fik ham til at tænke anderledes. Det lød så bekendt.
"Take it from me, everything can't be good all the time - sometimes the bad have to take over. And it will get dark, it may hurt like hell - you will want to kill yourself, but you have to keep on fighting - it will be worth it in the end," svarede hun lidt stille som hun så mod flammerne. "Hope is the only thing keeping me going when things get hard, you find a little thing.. just a small thing and hold it so tight. Never let it go, you can win the worst demons.. you just need something to fight for." tilføjede hun og vendte blikket stille imod Nicholas. Tatia vidste hvad hun talte om, og hun tøvede ikke ligefrem med at dele ud af sin visdom. Hun var ekstremt ung af så meget erfaring i overlevelse af kvæstelser. Der var snart ikke det hun ikke havde prøvet, men hun ønskede heller ikke at opleve mere på det punkt. Hun havde dog alligevel prøvet at nå bunden, et sekund fra at opgive alting. Ikke noget hun ville dele med glæde, hun havde ikke nævnt det for nogle - de uger i den forstilling om, at døden var en bedre udvej end den smerte hun havde levet i. Hun havde dog aldrig ville lade jægerne tage hendes liv, hun havde stået med sine klør mod sin strube - og været klar til at flå den åben. Hun kunne stadigvæk mærke huden blive flået op - men klørene nåede ikke langt før hendes underbevidsthed havde stoppet hende, med et levende billed af ham, af Wade.

If you're tired the bedroom is over there, don't let me keep you up. Et lille fnøs ud i et mindre grin forlod hende.
"I am tired, I don't sleep much. I only really sleep when I'm next to Wade or when I'm to exhausted to keep my eyes up," indrømmede hun stille og kløede sig kort i nakken. "but maybe I should try, it doesn't seem like you are planning killing me in my sleep," tilføjede hun med et skævt smil og rejste sig så op. Fulgte hans anvisning ind til soveværelset, hvor det faktisk ikke tog hende langtid at smide sig i sengen. Hun behøvede ikke ligefrem at skulle ligge på en bestemt måde. Blødheden fra sengen var bedre end et bur eller en fremmeds seng - som da hun var tvunget i udmattelse efter hun var sluppet fri. Det overraskede hende, hvor hurtigt hendes krop faktisk tvang hende til at falde i en dyb .. dyb søvn. Tatia måtte have haft brug for det, for hun sov ud - hele natten igennem, til solen ramte hendes øjne for at sige godmorgen.

Stille svang hun benene over senge kanten og strakte sig. Let gned hun sig i øjnene, og kom lidt med et fnøs. Hun var faktisk imponeret over hun havde følt sig tryg nok til at falde i søvn. Stille listede hun ind i stuen for at se om han stadigvæk sov, stille gned hun søvnen ud af det andet øje og kløede sig let i baghovedet. Hun så overraskende frisk ud, og det var Tatia skam også.
"Morning," sagde hun en anelse hæs og rømmede sig let.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 28 Mar 2017 - 19:52

He listened to what she responded with and he did agree with it. He had been there many times, but it wasn't hope that kept him going, it was Lucile that did that, he fought for her, but when she was present there would be nothing to fight, it was just when she was gone that would happen. As he listened he unconsciously nodded through it while staring at the fire. It was a very enlightening night talking with Tatia, discussing and talking about their past, it was good letting a lot out and seeing anothers opinion on things. And to meet someone that could understand him so well was a fresh break from the people that lived around here. Not only did he make a new friend, but he got a lot of information on a shapeshifter's life, which would prove very helpful in the future should he encounter one, if not then at least it was very fascinating. And with all that, came another ability as well, the fire one, an ability that could do both a lot of damage and heal wounds, not many abilities could do that, it was a rare gift that would no doubt continue to grow as she learned more about it. And seeing the type of person she was, he had no doubt she would use it for good, which made feel better about the ability.

When she told him how little she actually slept he smiled faintly as he responded with "Yeah i know the feeling.." Without going into further details. It wasn't quiet the same seeing as he lived in a house in the city, and she was out in the woods. He wasn't afraid of anyone getting to him while he was sleeping, it was just that the majority of his dreams were nightmares when Lucile was not with him, so the sleeps would not last long. Then she followed up with her joke that made him chuckle. "Yeah well i don't think i would manage it even if i tried" With a cheerful tone as he led her to the bedroom before walking back to the sofa. It took him a while of thinking about what they had talked about before he eventually laid down on the sofa and drifted off. Though as predicted he had a nightmare again, which made it impossible to sleep, luckily he was dreaming a few hours before he woke up. But seeing as he got up some time before the sun he went to the kitchen and made some quick food, being as quiet as possible to not wake Tatia up. Then he ate in his studies as he caught up on a book about demons.

When he heard the bedroom door open he put the book down as he looked up at her with a smile. "Good morning, sleep well?" His tone was cheerful as he could see that she had at least slept and gotten some rest for her journey. "I don't know when you are planning on heading out but i can tell you how to get to the right district this time" He said while chuckling at the end.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 29 Mar 2017 - 21:13

Good morning, sleep well? Tatia sendte ham et smil, som hun trådte ind i stuen.
"Yeah, a bit weird - most have been real tired," svarede hun med et kækt fnøs. Det var underligt at have sovet ud, og faktisk kunne hun mærke en anelse mere energi i sit system. Det var nu rart. I don't know when you are planning on heading out but i can tell you how to get to the right district this time, hun gav et nik fra sig. Tatia anede ikke om, hvornår hun burde rejse videre. Hun var ikke ligefrem typen som ventede for længe. Desuden ville ligne det Razor at stå tidligt op - der skete altid noget i den lille blandings hoved.
"Well, I'm headed to Terrorville - and normally I travel at first light, so I will travel soon," svarede hun ham ret hurtigt. Det var mere fordi, at hun ikke var typen der stod stille for længe - kun i unikke situationer. Hun var klar på sin mindre rejse, at finde Razor kunne kun blive godt. Hun glædede sig til at vise ham sin nye evne, måske mindre til at fortælle ham om, hvordan hun fik den - men det var en mindre detalje lige nu.
"Thank you for helping me last night, you have a good heart - remember that," sagde hun og sendte ham et varmt smil. "It's rare, keep it safe," tilføjede hun og gav ham et lille nik. Med hans anvisninger var hun i bund og grund klar til at rejse videre, men håbede da alligevel at hun ville støde ind i ham igen snart.


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Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas  Empty Sv: Trouble always seem to find me - Nicholas

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