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How did it come to this? (Tristan) EmptyIgår kl. 19:03 af Sean

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How did it come to this? (Tristan) EmptyTors 25 Apr 2024 - 21:04 af Genevira

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How did it come to this? (Tristan) EmptySøn 14 Apr 2024 - 7:56 af Katrina

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How did it come to this? (Tristan)

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Indlæg af Gæst Man 9 Jul 2012 - 18:07

The Forest
It in a ork camp and Andrey is tight up to a tree and he hasn't awake yet..

A dark dream he was in it and it was at the part where he walking down a hallway to come into his wife room to find her dead in the bed, that memoir it always haunted him no matter where he got to it was always in him when he was knocked out.

"rise and shine sleep head!" said a voice from the outside and it made him wake up from the darkness in his little dream, he looked up to see an ork that was looking down on his "good his awake now" said the ork before he turned around to walk over to the other orks that was "where am I?" said the man as he looked at the orks, it was not the first time that someone had knocked him down and taken him to some unknown place, after all he had a lot of people that wanted him dead for what he had do to many of them.

"your in our camp and we have got orders to take you here and wait for someone to come an get you little shadow" said the ork and he was much bigger then himself, the man sighted for a moment as he looked away from the ork and he was think on how he could get away with a fight. The man was dressed in a white shirt and some black pants, a gray coat was over his arms and no more was need it course he didn't feel the cold weather like normal humans, what was the name of this creature that all most looked human. The name was Andrey and he was a shadow from the dark woods of russia where he had been born or born was not the name for him..


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Indlæg af Gæst Man 9 Jul 2012 - 18:30

Kære Andrey, og Tristan (alfabetisk rækkefølge)

Det er en fornøjelse at se aktivitet på siden, og jeres initiativ i form af et emne, som skaber en eventyrlig og bæredygtig fremgang på The Underworld.
Men da The Underworld er en danskforum hjemmeside, og sproget brugt, formuleret, og vist frem, i jeres emner, skal undtagelsesvis være dansk, med eventuelle karaktertræk af den individuelle karakter, men tros vores åbensindhed mod fremmedesprog i karakterens direkte tale, (hvis godkendt at emne partneren) er tilladt, men denne fremviste mængde af engelsk er ikke tilladt, da vi skal følge dansk forums retningslinjer, som en hver anden af det danskforum systems spille miljø.

Hvis en, og/eller den anden, der er en del af dette emne, føler sig stødt, eller personligt ydmyget af en min formulering, bedes den individuelle, eller som gruppe, skrive en privat besked, til en admin, hvorefter sagen vil blive læst, og taget hånd om.

Håber i vil tage denne henvisning alvorligt, og se vigtigheden i at følge retnings linjerne, uden at i bliver tvunget eller presset af trusler. da jeg ikke ønsker at kaste med sådan nogen på nuværende tidspunkt.

Your Will, Our Hands
- Your Admin Crew ( skrivning og formulering af Isabella)


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Indlæg af Gæst Man 9 Jul 2012 - 18:33

Jeg har altså fået lov af valetta


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Indlæg af Gæst Man 9 Jul 2012 - 18:37

Kære Andrey

Hvis dette er tilfældet, beklager jeg min indblandelse, da jeg hverken, vil, må, eller har rettighed, til at vurdere min med-administrators ret til at godkende sådan en handling. og vil derfor ønske dem en forsat god aften, og godt emne fremover.
Sagen vil tages op med Valetta.

Your Will, Our Hands
- Your Admin Crew ( skrivning og formulering af Isabella)


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Indlæg af Tristan Man 9 Jul 2012 - 18:42

The sky above the forrest had slowly started to turn dark blue. The sun had set hours ago, and the only light that slipped through the forrest trees was the dim moonlight that lazily floated in beneath the leaves of the trees.
Tristan had placed himself hidden under a big bush which could cover his intire body so that the orks in their camp couldn't see him. He had been there for quite some time now. Just listening. Earlier that day while passing through the forrest, he had caught a glimps af some orks carrying an unconsious man.

Now, Tristan was the kind of guy who just couldn't keep his nose out of other peoples business. He couldn't just let the orks make a stew out of the guy could he? He had to follow.
So that's how he ended up behind that bush. Waiting for his chance. He had already located the guy hanging from a tree and as the orks looked away he saw his chance to sneak over to try to free the guy.
Slowly, he got closer to the tree and as he got close enough for the man to see him he placed a finger und his bottom lip. "shhhhh"

The man himself - Tristan Cambell Wonder

Antal indlæg : 1166
Reputation : 4
Bosted : Han har arvet den gamle nisse Asmodeus hytte og sat den i stand.
Evner/magibøger : Lidt tricks med noget elektricitet... Ud over det utrolig heldig til tider .

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