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Indlæg af Gæst Lør 13 Maj 2017 - 23:51

S Et stort hus i Firewood
O En masse forskelig Shapshifters, eller mennesker med genet i sig.
V Solen er næsten lige gået ned, så det er let kølligt udenfor.
Tid 19,30
P En løs hvid skjorte, og et par knæ korte bukser.
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"Ethan you coming, its time." Lød det fra James, hvorefter Ethan tog sig til sit hår, "well its not my Birthday, James, i am gonna join just go down for fuck sake." Lød det opgivende fra Ethan af, hvorefter han fulgte med hans ven ned, der var flere folk James, havde inviteret mange af dem kende, Ethan ikke men det gjorde det letter og lære nye folk og kende, hvilket nok var grunden til han, havde gjorde det, musikken lød gennem hele området, og alle Shapshifters var velkommen, til denne store fest, hvorfor forstod Ethan ikke, men det gjorde ingen forskel det var James dag, ikke hans.

Efter et par drinks begynde folk og finde på noget og lave, James bevægede sig dog udenfor og så folk forvandle sig og tag et kampløb hen mod skoven, ikke at det var noget han ikke ville gøre selv, men de virket som lette folk og slå, men han skulle ha et eller andet og lave for at få hans steam ud af kroppen.

Han forvandle sig og ventet, på at de måtte starte og slog alle, hvilket medførte da han var kommet i tøjet kunne han ikke lade, vær med og le og derefter være en smule kæphøj, "Really nobody there, can beat me, come on someone, please, i still need to get my steam of, anyone there wanne run agianst me come on i dont bite." Lød det flabet, fra ham mens han så sig omkring indtil han hørte en stemme.


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Indlæg af Gæst Man 15 Maj 2017 - 9:13

Selene behøvede ingen fast grund til at tage til en fest. Ærligtalt, så elskede hun det. Det var måske også lettere farligt for hende, mest på grund af hendes fortid med alkohol - dog kunne hun ikke lade det have kontrollen for at hun ikke kunne have det lidt sjovt. Desuden var det ikke et problem mere. Som tiden gik begyndte folk at snakke om kampløb. De var trods alt alle mere eller mindre shapeshifters her. En kæphøj fyr, snakkede så højt hun ikke kunne lade hver med at grine lidt.
"Well I'm pretty sure that I can beat you," sagde hun så og trådte frem. Klædt i en mørkeblå tank top og et par sorte shorts. Let vippede hun hovedet på skrå og de krøllede brune lokker fulgte elegant hovedets bevægelser.

Hun trak sin trøje over hovedet og hoppede af sine shorts.
"Stop starring and shift," pointerede hun kækt inden hun skiftede [For at se dette link skal du være tilmeldt og logget ind.]. Selene gjorde sig klar og satte så i løb imod skoven. Hun brugte ikke sin top fart, men geparder var det hurtigste landdyr - men kun i sin slutspurt - så hun ville overraske ham med den egenskab inden mållinjen. Hendes dyr havde fordelen, men han havde fordelen ved måske at skifte form mere end hun normalt gjorde. Det var ikke ligefrem fordi hun gjorde det andet end engang imellem.


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Indlæg af Gæst Ons 24 Maj 2017 - 20:53

Da han vendte sig mod stemmen, kunne han se en skønhed, det var der ingen tvivl om. "well hello to you too pretty face." Lød det en smule kækt fra ham, hvorefter han så på hende, "you sure you wanne run agianst me well okay, then."

Lød det kækt fra Ethan, hvorefter studeret hende, da hun begynde og tag tøjet af, smilet han en anelse kækt, det var vel bedre end hun smadret sit tøj, da hun talte til ham igen, og havde lagt mærke til hans stirene kløet han sig selv i baghovedet. "Well okay girl, you dont have to giv ordres," lød det en smule flabet, hvorefter han blev en smule nervøs, da hun bare forvandlet sig og gjorde sig klar han var dog god til og skjule det,

"Ethan you got this " lød det kækt fra hans adoptiv bror, hvorefter Ethan smed tøjet og forvandlet sig i et spring, hvorefter han satte kursen mod skoven. *I got you now girl" Var de tænker der gik gennem hans hovedet.


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Indlæg af Gæst Ons 24 Maj 2017 - 23:55

Måske var det bedst sådan her. Hvis man var ødelagt, kunne man ligeså godt feste igennem det. Ikke sandt? Selene tog måske derfor denne her udfordring lidt for meget, ikke fordi, at hun gik op i at vinde. Selene gik blot op i at få tankerne vendt. Det var lettest. Det var bedst. Selene løb ikke ofte i skovene, men bare fordi hun gjorde det så tit - bestød det ikke, at det aldrig skete. Ulven kom imod hende, men det gjorde hende intet. Det gjorde dog hun løb stærkere, ikke voldsomt meget - men bare lidt. "Come and get me then," svarede hun blot ganske kækt, som hun forsvandt ind i skoven. Selene løb og løb op. Befriende var det, og et sekund glemte hun helt alt der var sket med hende. De dårlige ting forsvandt. Selene stoppede op inden hun ville falde i en sø. "I guess I won!" Udbrød hun glad og skiftede form tilbage. Smilet var stort på læberne som hun så tilfreds ud.

/beklager det blev lidt kort :c


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Indlæg af Gæst Tors 25 Maj 2017 - 13:26

"really you asked for it." Kom det fra Ethan måske en smule kækt, hvorefter han sætte efter hende, da hun slog ham kom han på en fantastisk ide, hun var jo ved søen hvilket gav ham en fantastisk ide, han løb mod hende, da hun skifter form og i det selv sammen han skifte form var det så han fik grebet hende, hvorefter de lande i vandet med et kæmpe plask,

"well looks like i got you," lød det en smule flabet fra Ethan, hvorefter han gav slip på hende, hvorefter han studeret hende kort det virket som om han så noget af sig selv i hende, det med og være ødelagt og alene, "so who was it that won agian like, i would pretty much say that me runing passed you and getting you down in the lake, is how i won, but you would not know anything about that would anyway name is Ethan, and you pretty face." Lød det en smule kækt men stadig med en, hvis flabethed over sig, hvorefter han så på hende, "what about you whats you name Pretty face." Kom det fra ham, hvorefter han kaste en lille smule vand på hende, mere så de lavet noget han, havde altid behov for at holde sig i gange denne gang var ingen forskel Elena, vidste ha ikke, hvordan der, havde det men så igen hun havde putte noget ind i hans system, som havde påvirket ham og stadig gjorde det selv om han prøvet og skjule det, han var ikke så åben omkring folk normalt, hvilket var meget normalt for ham,

"so why did you wanne run could you not just love my ego." lød det en smule flabet fra ham, hvorefter han kaste vand på hende igen,.


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Indlæg af Gæst Tors 25 Maj 2017 - 16:01

Som hun lige nåede at åbne øjnene, havde fyren skiftet tilbage til sin menneske skikkelse. Selene nåede ikke engang rigtig at fange noget, ikke andet end chokket da de skar igennem luften og landede i det kolde vand. Grebt var om hende, sagde hun intet til. Måske bemærkede hun det egentlig ikke.
"You sure did," svarede hun kort inden han slap hende. Det virkede som en virkelig dårlig ide, at være påvirket af alkohol - skifte form og løbe igennem skoven. Ende her i søen med en fremmed, måske var det blot tiden til dårlige beslutninger? Let hævede hun dog på et bryn, som han snakkede om at han havde fundet.
"You know nothing Ethan," svarede hun med et svagt kækt smil og vippede hovedet en anelse på skrå. "Pretty face, is that the best compliment you got? Sounds more like a cliche, you have to do better if you wanna have a conversation with me," pointerede hun og vippede hovedet til den anden side. "If you most know, I'm Selene," tilføjede hun med et varmere smil. En blid latter forlod let hendes læber, som han kastede vand imod hende.
"Not really, your ego doesn't seem to need more credit," svarede hun igen med et lille fnøs. Selene lod sin hånd køre langs vandet før hun førte den imod ham, hvilket resulterede i en mindre bølge blev kastet over ham. Latteren bredte sig ud over læberne igen, før hun svømmede lidt tilbage. "We might as well enjoy the water.. wanna swim with me?" Spurgte hun så.


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Indlæg af Gæst Fre 26 Maj 2017 - 23:44

Ethan laugh a little, " i know a few things Selene, that much i can say, oh you dont like the nickname what do you want to be called then, the beauty of the east the beauty queen, the queen of beauthy." It came a bit cooky from Ethan where after he lean himself back but not before he saw her hand and the water fly over on him, "really Selene, you know casting water is a sin right." He joked, where after he followed her with his eyes, when she came away from, her after her qustion he smilede, "soo follow you and swim with you, is that what you are asking about now ." It came a bit charming but still cooky from Ethan, he startet swiming with her, while he where trying not to think but his thoughts where on the horrors he had seen, he could not get it out of his head, the man had use him and a lot of others to fight in that arena, and he had scars there proved it even though he tryed and hide it it was still a part of him and a pain full reality, he gussed they where playing catch and pad her on her shoulder and swimed away agian, while he yelled
"you are it."
He stopped after a bit though and try to make sense in his head, maybe he should cheek up on Elena even though she drugged him at there first meeting.


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 4 Jun 2017 - 15:08

"I guess it is.. its not like you have something better to do, is it?" She asked with a little teasing smile. The water was amazing and she never really did do much swimming in lakes. It was not like she did come in the woods that much. There was to many bad memories out here and it was hard not to crumble under the pressure of the demons. The past, the rape that happened not long time ago - the drinking that was a problem again after everything that was going on in her head. He tapped her in the shoulder and started to swim away from her. So they should play this game? Really? She rolled her eyes at him, and started to swim after him.
"This is pointless, and not much fun - haven't you heard about the sea monsters?" She asked, making fun of it of course. Selene started to swim closer to him.
"Something tells me you don't want to go back to the party, why?" She wanted to know, that was why she asked him. It wasn't always easy stories people told her, but sometimes it was what they needed to be asked. "It's a shame we should have taken something strong to drink with us before we ran," she added as she tilted her head a little to the side.


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Indlæg af Gæst Fre 16 Jun 2017 - 21:14

"Right the Sea monsters, how could i forget," he answered her cooky. "Pretty sure i killed it, the time before, you know." He turned around when she came closer to him, were after he looked at her, "maybe its because its not my party, and it was you who challenge me, so why did you not want too, stay there." It came, where after he send her a charming smile, "well about drinks, i maybe have smuggled something out her before" It came a bit charming from him, were after he took his hand over at a bush, he could reach from where he stood.

"so what kind of drink do you want pretty face, like i said maybe i did have a backup plan for if we needed something to drink."

Ethan try to get onto something els, so she did not asked about anything more, and he try to hold his answers to her a bit cryptic, and in the way not giv a full answer to her, " sooo what you want to drink, i got whisky gin, a bit of everything, it pays to live close to this area." It came a bit cooky from him.


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 18 Jun 2017 - 20:01

"Oh so predicted the future then, that we would be here?" She asked with a teasing smile on her lips. It wasn't really everyone who knew they would end up here - maybe it was his safe place or something. A place where he knew no one would bother him.
"I want that kind of drink that makes you stop calling me pretty face - or im just gonna make you a nickname - and I'm very good at that," warned she with this little cute smile she had. Not that he should let it fool him, Selene was the mater of nicknames. As prove he could ask everyone who knew her.
"Just give me the whisky," she said and swam closer to him.
"So you just hide alcohol out here in case you lose a run, so you can take a drink for it?" she asked as she tilted her head a little to the side. Finally she could reach the ground with when she was standing on her tiptoes.
"I most say I'm glad I challenged you.. a swim after a good run is far better than dancing - not that I mind dancing at all," she pointed out as she looked at him. She took the bottle and drank from it. She was not an amateur at drinking, it was also very clear. After she was finished with drinking a good among of the bottle she handed him it again. "Come closer.. please.. catch me," she teased as she started to swim backwards - looking him in the eyes with this warm and happy look.


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Indlæg af Gæst Man 19 Jun 2017 - 16:17

"A drink to stop me from calling you pretty face auch, thats not easy pretty face." He said cooky, while after he looked at her, with his cooky smile. He was testing her, he knew that, but if she knew it would be fun to find out. He did not pay attention to her qustion if he could predicted the furture.

It was not something he was proud of that he could, but that she was making fun of it he did not take serious. He took a whisky from to himself but before he got some of it in his system, she took it from her he was not fan of it but he let her drink of it while after he took a good potion of what was, left, were after he smiled, and looked at her as soon as she moved away, he listen to her.

"welll dancing would be good and nice to, sooo yeah, you know thats a funny part of it right, but glad you were glad for the swim, i maybe just pushed you in to get revenge pretty face, "he answered a bit cooky, while he looked around, and saw her moving from him and her words, he got closer to her really quickly and catched her, "soo Pretty face are you flirting with me."

He said, verry calm while he hold her closer to him, after he had catch her, "you should never teasse a wolf, even if you think you got the right." He said verry cooky, and then he hold her close and let her go, so they could move away from each other, she was drunk and he was a bit drunk but hey they were having fun right now, "sooo pretty face, what should we do now since you have take a loot of my whisky," he said verry cooky agian. "We could get some food, or hunt some food if you are hungry pretty face."


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Jun 2017 - 16:25

The nickname wasn't really something she liked, but who cared anyway. He asked her if she was flirting with him, well, why wouldn't she? He was far to handsome not to. But she didn't want to cross any of her own boundaries, it wasn't the time for that. At least not at the moment, or who knew. The arms that hold her wasn't really something she could stop thinking about. Her skin was on fire, but not in a bad way. It was impossible to describe.
"What if I am? Gonna tell me to stop?" She asked with the most teasing smile you could find anywhere. Selene tilted her head to the other side while never taking her eyes of him. He hold her closer, which made her heart skip a beat. "I always just do what I want, think you can stop me?" she teased again as he let her go. She swam a little back and moved her head to the other side.
"What do you wanna do?" She asked as she swam closer to him again. Nothing was holding them, but they were still so close so she could almost feel his skin. "I'm not really hungry, I just wanna have some fun - hunting while being drunk.. not my thing," she added as she planted her lips softly on his. From soft to deep filled with passion.
"This doesn't mean anything," she whispered to warn him before her lips met with his again. Her lips moved down his neck, but only to show her snack-like fangs and bite him. After all the sea monster wasn't really long away from them. The monstrous eyes showed as she pulled back, not knowing how the venom from her teeth will effect Ethan. Would he hurt, be paralyzed, get hallucinations? She wouldn't know till he reacted.
"Not to drunk to hunt I guess, sorry about what comes after," she said before she put her arm around him, so she could swim back to land. It would be easier when they were on lower water or land for him not to drown. Selene wasn't really pleased by being naked, yes it was a shapeshifters nature and if she had lived in a pack she might have been more used to it - but she wasn't and not used to see others bodies either. Yes she could go half naked around but this was new - lucky she was to drunk to think about that. Selene walked over to the place where Ethan had hidden the rest of the alcohol and sat down on a stone and watched him as she started to drink.
"Please tell me how it effects you, it't not always the same.."


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Jun 2017 - 18:53

Ethan looked at her follow every motion she did, while he did that he were not sure about what she were gonna do.
"Maybe i am, would you not love too know." He said a bit cooky while he a bit after took his time to notice her movements. "Pretty sure i can stop you if it came down to that," he said as he saw her move over to him agian he raised his left eye brow, what were she thinking what, was her plan in all this

. "Yeah since, you dont wanne, do that, maybe we should drink a bit more or, you know just chill in the water its all up to you." He answered a bit cooky, it took a little time before he heard her next question.

It took a litletime for him to understand what she meant, but by that time she already had kissed him, short after he felt her lips agians his agian with passion, before he could do anything.

He then, looked ad her while she warned him, and what she did now did not mean anything thats when he fellt her teths synch into his neck, and he felt a posion in his body.

Were his body got paralayced he could still hear her kind, of but other than he was lame he heard things saw things there was something out of a nightmare he could do nothing even if he wanted to.

Thats why he did not see or fell anything when she dragged him trough the water, he starte talking but it was kind of not in tone, with what happend around him.

He saw things he would never have imagine he saw himself kill Elena and a hold group of kids. "what is it i never did that, what did you do to me." It came out of Ethans, mouth "it cant be real i would never do that, and my familiy killed by me, it does not make sense.."

Slowly he could move his boy agian but he still saw things there were fragments of his worst nightmares, "Selene make it stop. MAKE IT STOOP." He shouted while he spit some blood out of his mouth but it was the things he saw there were not true there, was the worst.


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Jun 2017 - 20:44

It wasn't really because she wanted to hurt him, she just needed the blood to survive. In the end she had to live with what she did. But it sure didn't look like she felt sorry, why? Because of how the ability influenced her behavior - her evil shadowself as Selene would call it. Selene looked at him while he reacted to the power of the venom. The things he started to say made it clear for Selene how she had effected him. She didn't even have to ask him. She didn't take her eyes away from him, normally she would leave by now - but she felt like she couldn't. The snake in her wanted to leave but Selene fought for control over the body. It was like she had two minds. He yelled for her to stop, which made her come to herself. The worry in her eyes as she ran over to him.
"I'm so so sorry," she said again and again. It wasn't really because she wanted to. "I can't make it stop.. I can't.. not until it stops itself.. just breathe," she told him to. Selene already felt bad for doing this, it was clear in her eyes she didn't want this. Selene took a deep breathe before she took his hand.
"It's gonna be okay, I promise.. you just have to fight it.. it will be over soon," she promised. She knew this, it was her ability she had seen people recover from it before.


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Jun 2017 - 22:29

Ethan try to focus and take deep breaths,  it slowly began to help on top of, that as he slowly began to get himself and his body to relax, but the chain reaction there happend right after when he felt her hand on his while he still try to keep his body under control. Ethans body went in choked, even though he had relaxed, he saw a couple of pictures Selene meeting a person a little girl and one, that changed her life, then he got pushed back to the normale world.

He turned around and throw up on the side selene were not on, were after he turned his face up agian, he looked around and got his hand back from her, while, he still had some visons there, not matched up, "what tha, hell, what was that,?"

He said while his body was shaking, and he looked around tryed to keep his mind straight. It was not and easy thing to do, but he had to do it, even if he did not like how it went.

Ethan took a few more deep breaths and then it was gone.  He had, never been so happy to see the world as he was now, he waited for he to let go of his hand if she did not, had done it already,

"Selene you drugged me, why what was the meaning of it ?" He said as he turn his eyes over to her, he grabed the bottle of whisky, and looked at her, he had seen something, he did not know if it was true ,what he had seen with her maybe because it were not what it was at the starte, and he had never had this two things at the same time so he went into shock.


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Indlæg af Gæst Lør 1 Jul 2017 - 23:10

He threw up which was a little disgusting - but hey it was okay too. Selene was a helper by heart and wanted to make up for what the snake had done - what she had done. Selene wasn't really happy about it, but she had to live with it. She looked so worried and she was.
"It.. that.. was the venom from my fangs - the side effects are hard sometimes." She told him. At least she could tell him that. Then she waited saying anything else at least till he would say something himself. It would be pointless talking if he didn't hear her anyway. It seemed to work of and Selene had to admit she was relived by that.
"I don't control it.. trust me, it wasn't really what I planned. I would have left if it was an evil plan or something. I'm not a bad person.. believe me I'm not," she said as she folded her lips slightly - hoping that he wouldn't hate her for it. "I'm truly sorry about it," she added and hold her breath for a little while. There was no spark of evil in her eyes, she wasn't trying to play anything.
"How can I make it up to you?" Selene asked just to at least try making everything a little better. There must be something she could do?


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Indlæg af Gæst Søn 2 Jul 2017 - 0:13

Ethan looked at her, and listen to her, he did not care to be honest. One of the good things about him being him, but he knew he could not trust Selene, after this how he forgave Elena was a hold other story.
But right now he needed, to find out, what the best thing he could do were he could at least tell her about the kid.

"just forget it, i saw you find a kid on the street and took care of her, i think it was a her, you took her in, and that was when i went into shock an my own power went in."

He said she did not need to know the,reason he saw it or that he knew it, he just needed her to think there was something, that would change her life he did not know if it was real, but at some point they would know. He clearly gave nothing for it.

"true but still you posion me or something like that, i dont know how i am gonna get trough that, i will just point out, that whatever you do, there is a long road, what you can do for me, is not something i would want and, i cant see a reason why you would give something if it was not, you." He said and send her a slow smile, she could not, know what it was like and on that way he knew he had to do what was needed to be done at that point, "just dont do it agian at least not on me Selene."

He said even though he did not give a damnn, about it not right now anyway, "if its true what i saw or not i dont know, like i said, because your power hit mine, so i dunno if it is true."


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