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» A most wonderful union - fællesemne
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyIdag kl. 0:28 af Natalie

» It's been a long long time
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyIdag kl. 0:18 af Valentine

» Two Sinners Walk Into a Bar - Valentine (XxX)
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyFre 10 Maj 2024 - 23:25 af Valentine

» Lena beware of the city - (Sean)
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyFre 10 Maj 2024 - 17:41 af Sean

» Det halve væsen ~Sean (Fortidsemne)
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyFre 10 Maj 2024 - 17:25 af Sean

» A ballad of song birds and cool hats ~ Katrina (Featuring Edgar)
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyFre 10 Maj 2024 - 15:58 af Lenore

» I need you to hear the story - Genevira
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyFre 10 Maj 2024 - 11:50 af Genevira

» A sneaky human, and a metal vampire
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyTors 9 Maj 2024 - 17:15 af Celenia

» Begyndelsen på venskab eller... ~ Genevira
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// EmptyTors 9 Maj 2024 - 11:24 af Genevira

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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 
Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba13Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba14Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Voteba15 

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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Nov 2012 - 20:37

S: En skov i Terrorville..
O: Træer som står i vejen..
T: Efter solen er gået ned..
V: Køligt.
P: Profilbilled+ et par jeans og støvler.

Hendes skridt styrede nærmest sig selv i den fart, hun var på flugt. Flugt fra et af disse monstre som var efter hende.. Caroline mærkede sit hjerte som, galoperede med et ekko som kunne høres i træernes mørke kroge. Caoline kunne snart ikke holde til at løbe mere, hendes ben var trætte men de løb af sig selv næsten. Hendes muskler var spændte, Caroline løb barer vidre. Imellem træernes store solide stammer, som ville få vampyren til at sænke sin fart.. forhåbelig..
Caroline ramte ind i noget soloidt, en sten med skarpe kanter. En lang rift i hendes arm, fik blodet til at trædde frem ligeså stille. Caroline kiggede kort på det, og løb videre væk fra stenen. Hendes duftspor havde lagt sig i den kolde luft, og vinden modtog duften og sendte den imod næsen af vampyren.


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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Sv: Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Nov 2012 - 20:51

Yoanna havde besluttet sig for noget, hun ville dræne pigen, Caroline, for blod. Hendes blod havde nemlig sat sig i hendes næsebor, og havde gjort sådan hun ikke kunne tænke på andet end det, så hun ville så gerne sætte tænderne i Carolines hals. Et smil kom over hendes læber, da hun fandt ud af at Caroline havde slået sig, så ville hun også være lettere at finde. Hun løb hurtigt hen imod duften, og endte med at stå få meter bag den bange pige. Hun så på hendes nakke, og ventede bare til hun kunne slå til. "Caroline.... så mødes vi igen." sagde hun, og gik ud af de skygger hun før stod i, hun betragtede Carolines bevægelser, heldigvis var hun menneske, så hun ville ikke være svær at fange. Dog håbede hun på at få det hurtigt overstået, for hun ville være hendes første rigtige måltid.


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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Sv: Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 25 Nov 2012 - 20:58

Caroline hørte stemmen, men ville ikke kigge sig tilbage. Hun ville blot bare komme væk fra Yoannas tænder.. Blot være i sikkerhed væk fra dem.. De havde jagtet hende i så mange år nu.. Men ligenu var hun ikke i sikkerhed, hun havde ikke nogen der kunne hjælpe omkring hende.. Christian var der ikke mere.. Hun havde taget lidt væk fra hans varetægt... Men nu kunne hun se hun var ret uheldig i hendes liv.. Hvad var der med denne vampyr, Caroline var da blot et menneske.. Som alle andre mennesker.. Hvad var der specielt ved hendes blod? Caroline løb videre med en stor gyde stoppede hende.. Hun var fanget..


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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Sv: Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 28 Nov 2012 - 15:27

//Din tur sveske Wink//


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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Sv: Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 28 Nov 2012 - 15:41

Et smil placerede Yoannas læber, hendes ansigt var stadig dækket af skygger, da hun havde gået et skridt tilbage, da hun følte sig malplaceret. Hun kiggede direkte på Caroline, og gik længere hen imod hende. Da hun var utrolig hurtig stod hun allerede ved siden af Caroline. "Der er ingen steder at gemme sig, for mig. Dit dejlige blod er snart mit." hun smilede tilfreds, og havde hurtigt slået tænderne ud, og lod dem køre lidt op af Carolines hals, men lod være med at bide. "Et sidste ønske, før jeg drikker noget af dit vidunderlige blod?" sagde hun, og prikkede et lille hul på hendes hals, og smagte lidt på hendes blod. Så huskede hun dog nogle ord som Christian, hendes skaber havde sagt. Hun stod derefter ovre hvor hun stod før, og kiggede, - stadig sulten på Caroline.

//Undskyld... Troede jeg havde svaret! Very Happy //


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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Sv: Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 1 Dec 2012 - 13:06

Caroline klemte øjne sammen, da smerte over Yoannas tænder som langsomt skar hul til hendes hals. Yoanna.. Christian havde nævnt hende.. Hun løb dog hurtigt væk igen, og Caroline placerede sin hånd på sin hals.. Hvor de skarpe tænder havde ståret igennem hendes menneske hud..
"Kan jeg ikke.. Det har du vel ret i Yoanna.." Svarede hun stille.. Og kiggede på Yoanna..
"Hvorfor er du så vild med mit blod?" Spurgte hun stille.. Og fjernede sin hånd, sin bloddækkede hånd.. Blodet fra hendes hals strømmede ud, som et vandfald. De glemsede og trillede langsomt ned på hendes skulder og videre ned af hendes overarm.


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Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna// Empty Sv: Are you now sure you do not just want me dead? Or is it just my blood you would have? //Yoanna//

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