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Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
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Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
Weather - kinda cold, with a sky filled with stars and a bright moon, and a light cold breeze.
Sorroundings - drunk people, poor people, beggars and thieves.
Time - around 1am or so.
Being who she was, staying home alone was the most abvious thing to do tonight. She was cold, tired, hungry and a bit angry about her empty life. But what could she do about it? She was missing a piece of her, of her soul. Her heart, which was no longer beating, was cold and hard as the ice I her veins - shutting off her internal warmth and her power to make fire and work with her pyromancy. She was no longer herself. Though her face told the story of a beautiful young lady with a troublesome mind, it didn't tell about the pain she was suffering. It showed in any way that she was a vampire and a powerful one at that. Only, her powers were nearly gone due to her hunger. But devouring these street rats wouldn't give her satisfaction. Not now, not ever. Blood, and lust. The two things she couldn't keep at bay. At never at the same time. She would love to be able to be with a man again, and be able to feed of him at the same time, as she used to to with Sean.
Sean... That piece of... No. None of that, not now..
She walked, amongst the people looking like they could've been dead - scurrying around on the ground, trying to maybe catch a falling piece of jewelry or a coin - looking like a goddess amongst the dead. She was pale, a beauty. Her black hair was loose, waving in the breeze, showing off her cleavage where the pendant with Sean's crest still had its place. She would never let that pendant leave her side. Even though she hated him for leaving her undead life, she would never leave him. But, he would never know.
On her ring finger, a gorgeous ring made of gold had its place. The gem was black as the sky, and as her hair. It showed who she was - Lady Nephthys Storyteller Tenniel, the first of her line. And those who touched her loved ones, her friends and her allies would lay dead before her sooner or later.
The streets in the part of the city was covered in everything from guts, blood and feces to dead animals and vomit. No wonder she only wore a mediocre dress tonight for her stroll.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
Another night, another house call, what made this night worse than others was the fact that the patient was a child, lucky enough it seemed to be a mild fever, all he had to do was be in contact with the child so his healing powers could boost the child's immune system and let the body do the rest. As he walks out the door he turns around to the parents leading him out. "Remember to keep him hydrated and he should up on his feet in a day or two" The father fishes out a pouch of copper for him but he refuses it and encourages them to use it on their child instead, he gives them a nod and walks off down the street. He never charged anyone when dealing with children, he had a soft spot for them, they're the little innocent that's left in this world. He missed tutoring the young back in the day, so eager to learn. Now the only time he sees children are when they are wounded, sick or dying.. He had hopes of maybe bringing back the tutoring in the future some day.
After a short walk he stops by one of his suppliers he told to meet around this time, It's not like he was missing anything back home, but it was on his way so why not restock a bit while he had the chance, he handed him a small pouch of silver and got some vials containing antiseptics and disinfectants, a few rolls of thread and some syringe needles. Of course he could get this from the market, but getting it from private suppliers was cheaper, plus if you know what to look for, you could differentiate the quality and stick to good suppliers, how they got the supplies was no doubt by illegal means but that was none of his business.
As he packs the supplies in his bag he sees her, she sticks out like a wolf among a herd of sheep. Her radiating red dress, her pale complexion, the fancy jewelry, she was far from home, and she was not human, that much was clear. She had to be a vampire or a demon by the looks of her, he had only encountered one vampire in his lifetime before, at least to his knowledge, and he still had the scars from that day. She was walking his way, why was she here of all places? and not even hiding what she was, was she on the hunt? nah, doubtful, she was probably just here to meet someone. She was getting close, but he couldn't help but to stare at her.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
Alas, at she passed him - leaving a trail of streetbeggars and starving creatures behind her, too terrified to touch her - she shortly looked deep into his eyes. It was nothing more than a meere second, and still, she saw something that rather caught her interest. He was a doctor, and one of a higher moral than most. Atleast, that was what his eyes told her. The story could be ever so different, without her knowing. But she trusted her feelings, as she always had, and stopped. Behind her, some om the streetfolks gasped, with no apparent reason to. She nodded at the doctor, with a lille smile showing. She was, after all, a lady. No need to be rude or unpleasant. Maybe, and just maybe, he could help her? Nothing big, never anything big. Trusting people with big tasks led to big disappointment. Do what you need done yourself.
''I see that You're out for a housecall, my dear Doctor?'' She asked, with as much of her patience as she could manage. She was rather impatient, no news there. She was starving, yet she couldn't get herself to feast upon him - maybe because her meals normally were lords or ladies and not a doctor in the Rotten Root District.
But maybe... She needed a housedoctor at the manor? Maybe he was interested? Of course, she was not to ask now. She needed to know, if he was any good first. No drunks, no addicts. That was her two most sturdy priorities. The only thing someone was allowed to crave at the manor was nurisment. Water and normal food for the humans, and blood and sex for her. Why noone was told that at once, was that only her butler Carson knew, what went on in the master bedroom. Not even the ladies maid was allowed in there outside the agreed hours.
Nephthys look at the man, expecting an answer. If he could not provide her with one, she should just move on. Noone had use of a mute doctor anyways.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
As she got closer, their eyes met for a second but she looked away and kept walking which broke his trance, he thanked the supplier and gave him a small pouch and turned around just to meet her gaze again, but this time he could feel her eyes pierce through his, giving him a chill down the spine. As she approached him he saw her nod and gave one back, mustering half a smile. "Yes indeed, i just finished and was on my way home" He looks around her and tries to figure her out. "And what brings a lady like yourself to these parts, at this hour? If i may ask" He said, curious to what she was up to. It wasn't often he'd see someone like her in this district, among the downtrodden. It was clear she felt she was above the so called filth that lived here, then again that describes pretty much everyone out of the district. Maybe her not being human boosted that vibe, hard to tell just yet.
Was it that obvious that he was a doctor, did he really give off that vibe? or was there more to it. And why approach him, did she need his medical expertise with something, that had to be it right? Why else contact him, its not like he knew anything important to anyone. If that was the case then he would of course help her with what she needed. But she looked healthy to him, and there didn't seem to be any urgency to her walk, so there was probably more behind it. Only time would tell.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
''Ganske simpelt, kære doktor. Jeg havde lyst til at gå en tur.'' Sagde hun med et lille smil, inden hun så sig lidt rundt.
''Må jeg foreslå at vi går sammen lidt? Det ville gøre mig megen glæde hvis De havde tid til at holde mig med selskab? Det er så sjældent at andre intelligente mennesker er ude på denne tid.'' Sagde hun og ganske rigtigt håbede en accept fra ham. Naturligvis kunne hun gå videre selv, men det var altid mere hyggeligt med en at gå med, og hun fornemmede lidt at en læge måske ville være godt selskab.
Og så var der jo hendes lille mission: at finde en der ville være med på at prøve at hjælpe hende.
''Jeg håber ikke at De frygter at jeg har skumle bagtanker - sådanne planer behøver De ikke være bange for ved mig - jeg er ganske harmløs for det meste.'' Sagde hun med et lille varmt smil - men det var tydeligt at hun var sulten og svag. Selv en svag vampyr ville være farlig, men Nephthys kunne kontrollere sig selv nogenlunde selv i sulten.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
"Hah, I'm sure you are." he said with a light chuckle. "Alright then, I'm all yours" He started walking with her as he asked her a question "So where are you from miss?" not knowing her name he got reminded that he never gave her his name earlier. "I'm sorry, i didn't even introduce myself. My name is Nicholas Dunham" Looking at her with a smile. This would be an interesting walk indeed. There was no better opportunity to get some answers to how a vampire was, how they lived. Besides the fierce patient he had some time ago, all his knowledge of them were from books and rumors. It's not like there were few of them, more the fact that they were hard to spot, at least for him, not that he went looking for them of course, that would be a death sentence.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
''Tenniel.. Nephthys Tenniel.'' Sagde hun roligt, en introduktion hun håbede ikke ville lede for megen opmærksomhed hen på hvem hun faktisk var. Nephthys Storyteller-Tenniel var oprindeligt en shapeshifter fra en klan der havde været kendt for deres umenneskelige torturmetoder og slavehandel. Nephthys var den eneste tilbage efter hendes familie var blevet slagtet. Menneskerne havde fået nok af hendes familie og det havde ledt hende væk fra det hele. Dengang Sean reddede hende - sådan som hun så det - droppede hun at identificere sig med Storyteller-klanen. Dog, det var hendes familie, så navnet havde hun beholdt.
''Jeg er bosat i Angerforge-distriktet, men gyderne her har været mit hjem det meste af mit liv. Og Dem?'' Spurgte hun med et varmt smil, for at vise at hun ikke var helt kold over for samtalerne om hende selv.
''Jeg tror faktisk at navne nok er det mest overvurderede. Vi identificerer os med andre gennem et tilnavn.. Underligt nok, har det aldrig været min kop te. Man er forbundet gennem blod og minder, ikke gennem en række bogstaver sat sjovt sammen.'' Sagde hun mens hun begyndte at gå, forventende at han ville gå med hende.
''Jeg kan lige så godt afslører med det samme, Doktor Dunham, jeg søger dit selskab af to grunde. Første og fremmest så har lægevidenskaben altid været en hobby for mig. Mest af alt naturmedicin, det hører lidt til hvem jer er. For det andet, så søger jeg en huslæge. En mand jeg kan stole på til at tilse mine folk og migselv, skulle behovet opstå. Og De, er den eneste mand der ikke har truet mig på livet, på trods af at De ved hvad jeg er.'' Sagde hun og så hen på ham. Så man godt efter, kunne man se alle hendes ar. Mange af dem var fra da hun var barn. Lyttede man efter, kunne man hører at hendes udtale på ordene kom lidt til kort, grundet halvdelen af hendes tunge manglede. Kendte man til hendes slægt, ville man vide at skamferingen af børnene var et krav. De fik altid selv valget om hvilken skamfering der var tale om, men de kunne ikke undslippe det. Hendes bror var blind, dengang han levede, og hende selv havde mistet taleevnen gennem at få klippet sin tunge ud.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
What she said about names made him think, he did agree with names not identifying who you are. If your family was known for violence it didn't mean you should be, same goes the other way around, if a family was known for the good they did for the people in need, it didn't mean you should be known for the same. One should be judged by their actions, not their names. However, he was not entirely sure about the other part, blood didn't have to mean anything, not a single person in what he considered family, shared his blood. But they did share memories, so there was some truth to what she said.. "I can see truth in that.. yes." He said with a curious tone in his voice as he walked by her side.
When she revealed the real reason she talked to him it made him smile again. It was always pleasant talking medicine with someone, but the fact that she tried to get him as a personal doctor was not that great. He had met several rich people wanting to buy him for themselves like he was a whore, but he appreciated the way she went about it, telling him how he would be part of their team and not cutting straight to his price. It made him feel better about her offer. But even with that, he had to refuse. He didn't have the right to accept even if he wanted to, when he took his oath as a doctor he swore that he would help any creature in need, and being a personal doctor would break that oath and leave the people in the district with one less doctor, something that would be catastrophic for a lot of people. "I can stay up all night talking medicine with you, but as for the offer.. i have to refuse, it is not my choice to make.. But that said, if something happens, you can always send for me and i will help any way i can." He said in a calm and friendly tone. Trying to make her understand that he could not be a part of a single household. "And as for what you are, it does not matter to me, everyone is equal in my eyes.. I always try to see the best in people, even if i have scars to prove me wrong.." He ended with smile that hinted of sadness. Despite what had happened to him, he never gave up on people, it was not in his nature to do so.
When he finished his talk about scars, he had been noticing her scars as well, along with her speech impediment, probably involved with her scars. It made him wonder about her past but it was not in his place to ask, he had no right to know her past until she told him, so he would ignore it until that happened. Everyone had their scars, weather it was physical or not, everyone would have their battles. He knew he had plenty, even though some scars hurt as he thought about them, they were all a sign of victory, something you had overcome.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
"Jeg forstår, doktor." Sagde hun blot inden hun gik videre, med et lille smil på læben. Hun følte sig underligt nok hjemme her, med dem der nærmest intet havde.
"Det var heller ikke for at ligge beslag på Dem. Jeg ville blot høre Dem om der var mulighed for lige præcis det de selv har givet udtryk for." Sagde hun med et smil, inden hun så lidt hen på ham.
"At stole på vampyrer, det er en farlig leg, doktor. Det kan jeg bevidne." Sagde hun, inden hun gik videre.
Nicholas troede måske at det var en leg, at alle væsner viste deres natur på et tidspunkt. Måske... selv var hun ved at omkomme af sulten, men at udsætte ham for det ville være hensynsløst.
Men.. stolede han på hende? Havde hendes skaber nogensinde stolet på hende? Havde hun nogensinde stolet på ham?... nej. Hun havde elsket ham - men tillid var en ting der lå på et meget lille sted hos hende.
Hun bed sammen, ensomheden tog over så småt. Carson, Poppy og Sean var de eneste væsner hun havde kontakt til. De eneste der kendte lidt til hende, og stadig havde kontakt med hende.. måske skulle hun bare gøre det? Måske skulle hun skabe noget selv, få et bånd til en hun kunne stole på pr. definition. Det lå næsten i kortene. Et menneske, ved navn Nicholas... hendes skabers navn... det var enten tarvelig ironi, eller perfekt timing. Ikke desto mindre tog hendes sult og hendes ensom hurtigt over - og efterlod hende hungrende efter blod og nærvær.
Resultat skræmte de fleste...
hun stod en halv meter fra ham, og så på ham. Hendes smil var mindre end før, men stadig til stede. Hun gik hen til ham, lagde hovedet lidt på skrå og bed sig i underlæben. Hendes hurtighed var en fordel, han kunne næppe undvige hende da hun greb i hans skuldre og pressede ham op af muren. Den var kold og klam at røre ved, men hun var ligeglad. Hun fik rykket hans krave væk, og så ham kort i øjnene. Hendes øjne var grå og livlige - som flydende sølv.
Det tog hende ikke lang tid at tvinge sine hugtænder frem, og borede dem i hans hals med et dyrisk støn. Hun havde to ting for øje; mad, og skabelse. Hun ville drikke ham tør, så han var tvunget til at blive hos hende.
Mens hun drak holdt hun ham fast med et knæ mod hans ædlere dele og hans hænder mast mod hans ryg og op af muren. Med hendes ene frie hånd vendte hun sin dukkert fra hendes lårbind om så dem skar en dyb flænge i hendes håndled. Mens hun drak lystigt tvang hun hans mund op og tvang håndleddet mod hans læber. Drak han det ikke så ville han drukne i det. Ingen forvandling var behagelig.
"Drik det doktor.. ellers er jeg nødt til st efterlade dig.." hviskede hun mod hans øre. Hendes stemme var bedende, som om det var nybagt det gik op for hende hvad hun havde dømt ham til. Men der var ingen vej tilbage.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
"Thank you for the warning Ms. Tenniel, but i assure you its not a game to me, its a part of the job. If i have to take a few hits to help someone, then so be it. I'll survive.." He said with a more serious voice. The feeling of letting someone die because he was too afraid was worse than any pain that could be inflicted on him. It had happened before in the war, and he promised himself it would never happen again, even if it killed him. He should have died in the war either way, he was just living on borrowed time at the moment, hoping it would last as long as possible with Lucile before he faced whatever justice awaited him.
He notice there was no more people around them, it wasn't too alarming seeing as it was getting quite late, but then she stopped and looked at him with a different look than before, which made him curious to what she was thinking about, was it something she was going to tell him, another reason to why she talked with him maybe? But when she walked up to him and bit her lip he understood what was happening, he could tell what she wanted. "What are you d.." Before he could react, she pressed him up against a wall with his hands behind his back, making it impossible to fight back, which he tried to do. "Nononono not now.." He said with a strained voice trying to move with all his strength. It was no use, he was at her mercy, all he could do was hope she would not drain him dry and let him go. However, that didn't stop him from trying to struggle, but when he felt her razor sharp teeth pierce his skin and sink into his flesh, all he could focus on was the pain. He lets out a loud grunt as his throat is torn apart by her teeth, the pain was immense and he clenched his teeth as his grunts and groans continued. The eyes he saw right before she did this was different than before, they seemed dead, lacking emotion and remorse.
He carried no ill feelings towards her, he knew she was only feeding, it was the natural order of things, he was just unlucky enough to be the pray. But he still had hope that he would survive, because as much as he deserved dying, he couldn't leave Lucile yet, not now, not like this. "Please.." He started pleading, hoping she would have mercy on him and spare his life. He was starting to get very lightheaded and struggled to stay awake from the blood loss in his body. He had almost become entirely limp when he felt her hand press against his lips. Her blood ran down his throat and he tried swallowing the best he could, coughing from the amount the came down, in his mind he was choking on his own blood, not realizing that it was her blood he was drinking. It was hard hear what she said but he got the sense that he should continue swallowing his blood, so he did what he could in his half conscious state. He was too disoriented to know what was going on anymore, other than the fact that he was dying. All he could think about as he was pressed against the wall was Lucile, and how he had let her down, she was now left alone to care for their child, with Ramsey after her, and here he was, dying because he trusted the wrong person. Thinking back it was only a matter of time before this would happen either way, at least he had the best time of life with her, leaving on a high note. A faint moan left his lips as he slowly started to drift off.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
Hun så på ham, da han begyndte at døse hen. Hun havde ondt af ham - hendes forvandling havde været hendes ønske - Nicholas havde intet valg haft. Hun forbandede sig selv tavst over det.
"Bare rolig.. jeg har dig... bare giv slip.." sagde hun efter hun havde sluppet hans hals. Hun var ligeglad med hendes eget sår. Hun havde det langt bedre, hun havde spist. Lige nu var han førsteprioritet. Hun greb ham om livet og hev ham op på sine skuldre, inden hun tog hans taske med sig og begav sig gennem gaderne, hjem til villaen i Angerforge Distrikt. Hvis han ikke gjorde påstår eller oprør, så ville hun ligge ham i hendes ene gæsteværelse. Hun huskede hvordan hendes tid havde været, og hun ville gøre det så nemt for ham som muligt. Nu var det bare at se om han vågnede.
Hun gik direkte ind gennem hoveddøren, inden Carson kom ud - og så forfærdet på hende.
"Klap i, Carson og gør badeværelset klar." Sagde hun stille, inden hun gik over til trappen og bar ham op ovenpå. Gæsteværelset var mørkt og køligt, og der var et sideløbende badeværelse.
Hun lagde ham i sengen, og stillede hans taske på natbordet. Hun tog en skraldespand - Tom, naturligvis - hen ved siden af sengen tilfældet af at han fik det skidt.
Carson havde gjort badeværelset ved hendes soveværelse klar, og gik stille ind i rummet.
"Badet er klar.. skal jeg finde din taske med nål og tråd frem?" Spurgte han, og så bekymret på hende.
"Nej, find du bare din te og den bog igen.. sov godt Carson" sagde hun roligt, inden hun så på Nicholas igen.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
He was completely out until he landed on a bed, he woke up to someone talking. But he was not completely awake, he managed to open his eyes for a few seconds at a time. As he woke up, his body feels like it was beaten and he had barely energy to tilt his head a bit to the side, but doing so he felt enormous pain around his throat making him groan from it. He starts to remember what happened again and is left confused to it all. How was he alive? Did she stop to save his life? And if that was the case then why would she do that? His neck is stiff and horrible, his throat is dry and he had a metallic taste in his mouth, it felt weird, he knew it was blood, probably his own, but it felt slightly different from before. He manages to move his neck a bit more, enduring the pain it gives, but then he sees her and his breathing becomes irregular. It wasn't so much the fact that she scared him, she just made him anxious, he had no idea why she did any of this, which made him think of worst case scenarios. Was he going to be a blood bank for her, so she could keep feeding on him? or even worse, would she turn him? The fears kept creeping in his mind until he finally asked. "Where... are we..?" He struggles with forming words, getting them out with a very faint voice.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
Hun så på hans hals, og bed sig lidt i læben. Hun vidste ikke hvad hun skulle sige... hun havde reageret på impuls, instinkt... hun var en idiot, hun havde skadet et andet menneske...
"... jeg...." hun gned igen sit ansigt. Hun anede ikke hvad hun kunne gøre format hjælpe ham, ikke før han var overgået til blod..
"Har du meget ondt..?" Spurgte hun stille og så undskyldende på ham..
(Sorry det er kort..)
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
When she asks if it hurts badly he almost feels guilty, it was so weird, she was the one who did this to him, but him just laying there groaning in pain felt as if he was judging her, which he wasn't, so he played it off. "It's not.. that bad.." His voice was still faint, but less so than earlier. He was still curious to what she doing with him, so he deals with the pain to talk to her. "What.. are you pla.. planning to do with.. me?" His voice becomes less faint the more he talks, but you could hear him tensing his muscles to deal with the pain easier.
// no problem ^^ somtimes its fitting with short ones to just get something said, and sometimes you have to rely on an snwer before you can write more. i dont mind
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
''Jeg har ingen planer om at tvinge dig til at blive, eller tvinge dig til noget andet for den sags skyld.. Jeg handlede på dårlig vis, og jeg undskylder.. Du har ikke fortjent denne skæbne, som så mange andre heller ikke har.. Jeg kan ikke gøre andet end at tilbyde min viden og forståelse omkring hvad der sker med dig..'' sagde hun stille, og så lidt ned på hendes egne hænder. Hun følte sig som et monster, ondskabsfuld og led..
Hun kunne ikke gøre det godt igen, og det vidste hun.
''Du er fri til at gå, når du føler dig klar til det. Men, forvandlingen tager tid.. En uge måske.. Den bliver smertefuld - mere end den allerede er.. Jeg kan kun anbefale at du bliver her indtil det er overstået - her er du trodsalt blandt ligemænd..'' sagde hun stille, flygtende at han ville hade hende for det.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
It wasn't the fact that he had anything against vampires, but he had made a promise to Lucile that he wouldn't do this, and he had no idea how he would change, would he keep his emotions? Would he still feel for her? Would he become a killer?.. There was so much going through his mind at the moment and he was panicking. Hoping that it wasn't a sealed deal just yet, that she could undo it. "Please... help me... don't let me become this.." His voice was cracking as he said it. It was almost like he preferred to die instead so Lucile wouldn't have to go through with this. But the thing stopping him from that thought was the fact that maybe he could use it to his advantage against Ramsey at least. Then he looks up at Nephthys with confused shaky eyes. "Why would you do this to me?.." His voice was almost hopeless as he could not see any positives to it.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
"Skal jeg forklare dig det? Hvorfor jeg tvang dig op mod muren, eller hvorfor jeg i sidste sekundet besluttede mig for at redde dit liv?" Hun så på ham med et løftet øjenbryn. En smule utaknemmeligt, var han ikke?
Hun sukkede. Skulle hun fortælle ham hvad der er skete dengang, hvad der gjorde hende så ensom? Sean kunne ikke - og ville ikke - tale med hende om det, logisk nok.
"Du vil hade mig for svaret.." sukkede hun og gned sit ansigt.
Kunne hun fortælle ham om Dean, om hendes skaber, om Sean? Nej, det kunne hun ikke - han kunne ikke vide den slags om hende når hun ikke vidste om han ville blive..
"Nicholas, en ting jeg er god til, er at høre andres tanker og følelser.. og du... du er bange for at du bliver et monster. Er det det du ser mig som? Et monster?" Spurgte hun, og man kunne se på hende at svaret han kom med ville afgøre en hel del omkring deres fremtidige forhold.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
Then he got curious, why would he hate her, and was there more behind this than saving his life? "Try me" He says, hoping for an answer to make him understand.
When he heard she could hear his thoughts it made him weary, thinking back to what he had thought about. But as she continued, he looked at her seriously as he said. "No, i don't... I know your kind needs to feed to survive, i don't have anything against that, its just the way it is. But for me its different.. I took an oath, i can't go against it.. and feeding on people would do just that." His voice is calm and sad, thinking about it he would probably starve to death at some point, there was no way he would hurt others to survive himself.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
"Jeg har ikke altid været vampyr.. jeg blev født ind i en klan der lemlæstede for morskabens skyld. selv har jeg aldrig set det sjove i mord, men det kan være nødvendigt. Jeg dræber ikke, ikke hvis der er en anden mulighed. Hvorfor dig? Hvorfor valgte jeg dig?" Hun så ham direkte i øjnene.
"Du bærer min søns øjne. Hans smil... hans blik." Hun sukkede svagt.
"Jeg var ensom, sulten... enten skulle jeg lade dig dø, ellers skulle jeg tage dig med mig. Jeg er oprigtigt ked af, at jeg har påbudt dig..." sagde hun stille inden hun rejste sig fra sengen.
"Jeg vil med glæde besvare dine spørgsmål, når du er kommet til kræfter.." sagde hun stille, inden hun bevægede sig hen mod døren.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
The reason she turned him didn't make him mad, quite the opposite actually, he became sad, feeling worse for her. "I'm sorry.." his voice got more quiet as his adrenaline was wearing off and the pain started to set in again. It was clear she had remorse for what she did to him but he didn't blame her for any of it, which might seem weird but there was something about her that he couldn't shake. "It's alright Nephthys.. i don't blame you for this... what's done is done, there is no changing the past.." He said as he slid back down in his bed and she got up and walked away. "Thank you.." he says as she walked towards the door. He started tensing his muscles as the pain was getting worse. He had to get over this quickly, the longer he stayed here the more likely Lucile would get caught by Ramsey.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
"Jeg forstår dig ikke.." sukkede hun stille.
"Jeg er født og opvokset med at skulle dræbe for at overleve. Jeg er vant til det.. du, derimod, vil ikke kunne komme over de smerter indtil du får blod.." sagde hun stille, da hun så smerten tegnet i hans ansigt. Hun gik hen til ham igen, satte sig på hug ved siden af sengen.
"Nicholas, du behøver ikke skade andre for at få blod - ikke så længe du er her. Jeg stiller mig gerne til rådighed. Vampyrblod smager måske ikke så godt, men det kan holde dig i live og holde sindssygdommen væk.." sagde hun mens hun prøvede at fange hans blik. Hendes sølvgrå øjne var igen flydende som sølv, som en nattehimmel med tusinde stjerner.
"Lad mig hjælpe dig.. jo hurtigere du kommer videre jo hurtigere kan du hjælpe andre igen.." sagde hun bedende. Hun kunne ikke gøre det om, gøre ham menneskelig... men hun kunne holde blodtørsten væk.. ikke?
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
As she walked back to him, he followed her with his eyes, his breathing was irregular as she crouched down beside him, telling him of an alternative. So she would suffer to feed him, at least it would be donated but still, it didn't feel right. "i can't ask that of you..." His voice was faint and uneven. he looks away from her, feeling guilt because he did want it, he was feeling the need to consume something, and when she offered he wanted to say yes, but it felt so wrong. His eyes slowly make their way back to her silver ones as he hears how much she wants to help him. The pain was bad and she had told him it would get worse, and it sounded so good with just a little bit more, just enough to keep him going, so he gave in. "How would it happen?..." He says with a guilt ridden voice, he couldn't even look her in the eyes as he asked it.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
''Lige nu kan du bede mig om næsten alt, det lover jeg dig.'' Sagde hun med et lille blidt smil. Et moderligt smil. Allerede nu kunne hun mærke hvordan han mindede hende om 'ham'. Hun talte ikke om 'ham' særlig ofte mere, hun havde lagt det mere eller mindre bag sig. Men hvis Nicholas nogensinde ville spørge, så skulle han naturligvis få svar.
Han spurgte hvordan det ville foregå. Hun tænkte sig kort om, men valgte så at komme med en lille hvid løgn. Bare indtil han var frisk nok til at klare sig selv igen.
''Jeg får Carson til at hjælpe mig med at dræne blodet til dig. Du kan ikke drikke direkte før du har fået hugtænder..'' sagde hun med et lille smil, for ikke at virke for nervøs over sin egen løgn.
''Bare rolig, det er ikke et problem for mig - og det burde ikke være et problem for dig..'' sagde hun roligt, inden hun rejste sig. Hun gik hen og hev i en snor og en klokke ringede. Et halv minuts tid efter dukkede Carson op. Hun nikkede kort mod døren og forlod værelset sammen med ham.
Fem minutter senere kom hun tilbage til værelset med et glas med blod. Hun gik hen og satte det på natbordet, og så kort undskyldende på ham.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
When she explained how it would be it made him feel bad again, draining herself to feed him, it wasn't a pleasant thought... but apparently it was the only way until he got his fangs, which also felt so unreal, he couldn't even imagine how that would feel. Her telling him that it was not a problem for her made the situation better. But as she went out with Carson he had some time for himself, and he started twist around in the bed, impossible to shake the slight pain that he had at the moment. As soon as she came back he laid still again, not wanting to give off any vibes that he was struggling, even if she knew exactly how it was. When she put the glass on the table he reached out and held her arm as he looked at her "I really appreciate everything you are doing for me, even if i don't show it.." He says with a faint voice, letting go of her arm after and leaning back into bed, he really wanted to drink it, but he waits for when he is alone. The thought of drinking someones blood felt so wrong to him, especially if the person it came from were in the room, but he did have to drink it to survive and get home so he could get to Lucile.
Gæst- Gæst
Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas
''En ting er du nødt til at forstå omkring mig, Nicholas. Jeg kender alle dine tanker, dine hemmeligheder. Du kan sjældent gemme ting fra mig. Lucile, derimod, har jeg ingen interesse i at blande mig i. Udover... Vi to skal lige tale om hvad jeg kan gøre for at hjælpe jer. Jeg er forpligtiget til at hjælpe jer lidt, ikke officielt men privat. Jeg føler at i fortjener det mere end almindeligt meget. Men, når du engang har fået lidt kræfter, så kom ned i opholdsstuen lige nedenunder. Så ser vi på tingene, okay?'' Sagde hun med et smil, velvidende at hun allerede nu blandede sig for meget - men hun følte det mere end almindeligt nødvendigt.
Hun smilede til ham, og forlod soveværelset så han kunne drikke i fred. HUn ville ikke fortælle ham det før han havde fået smagen for blod - men det var rent shapeshifterblod han havde fået i glasset. Hun regnede med at det var friskt nok til at hjælpe ham lidt - for hendes eget var uden tvivl ikke brugbart.
Hun gik ned i opholdsstuen, og bad Carson komme med papir og pen - hun havde behov for at inviterer et gammelt bekendtskab.
''I don't doubt that you loved him once - I doubt that you ever stopped'' he said, gently caressing her cheek. Slowly, his eyes met hers, before he felt the blood pouring from his neck and everything went black
Nephthys- Evolved
- Antal indlæg : 2882
Reputation : 5
Bosted : Hendes palæ i Angerforge District
Evner/magibøger : 1. Ild-magi - 2. telepatiske evner
Side 1 af 2 • 1, 2
» not you again i am gonna freaking kill you and test if you are alive or dead Dominic,
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