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Dr. Trott
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Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas

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Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas  - Page 2 Empty Sv: Even in dead, we are alive - Nicholas

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 12 Apr 2017 - 5:06

He listened to what she said to him, telling him how he was an open book with his thoughts, not able to keep anything form her as long as he thought about it. But she did respect privacy and wanted to leave Lucile out of it, which would be hard of she wanted to help. And why did she want to help? Was she guilty for what happened, or did she just feel like she owed him now? Either if one of those were the case or if she cared about him, could he really bring her into this as well? It would be nice with some extra help, and she could be useful for all her knew so there couldn't be any harm in at least telling her more about it and seeing what she could do. He nodded at her when she told him to go downstairs when he had some strength.

"Thank you" He said as she left, his look followed her all the way out. Then he was alone again, this time he had time to think things through. Just the scent from the glass was good, there was obviously no way out of this, but he tried delaying it for as long as he could. It didn't take more then a couple of minutes before he reached for the glass and started drinking it, the usual copper taste it had before was not there anymore. It was unlike anything he had before, he couldn't describe it, but it was good, making it easily go down as he emptied the glass.
He started to feel almost sick from it, not the taste, but the act itself, it was just something he never saw himself doing in his lifetime. Taking life from a body to sustain is own, it was not peaceful thought.

After a long while of staying in the bed he began to feel less pain, the blood was clearly working, at a price of course. He should probably have stayed longer but he was too impatient and needed answers as well as quick recovery, even though he knew it would take a long time. He got out of bed and made his way downstairs, clinging to walls and railings as he shuffled his way to the living room, sitting down in the closes chair or sofa he found. He was still in pain, but he could at least move around, and that was good enough for now.


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