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This better be worth it.. - Josette EmptyIdag kl. 19:03 af Sean

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This better be worth it.. - Josette EmptyIgår kl. 21:04 af Genevira

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This better be worth it.. - Josette EmptyIgår kl. 11:38 af Sasha

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This better be worth it.. - Josette EmptyOns 24 Apr 2024 - 13:10 af Madelena Gray

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This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
Madelena Gray
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 
This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba13This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba14This better be worth it.. - Josette Voteba15 

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This better be worth it.. - Josette

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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 28 Mar 2017 - 23:44

Timeline: About a week in the future.
Time of day: Few hours after sundown.
Place: Thunderrage District.
Surroundings: Mostly empty streets.
Weather: Cold and light rain.
Attire: Filthier and with a hood.
Dedicated to: @Josette

It had taken him just over a week to get here, being on the move as fast as he could, taking shelter from the sun when he had to. The journey had been long, too long, when he left Lucile he didn't expect to be gone for so long, but this had to be worth it. He had seen a lot of new places on his way here, seeing as he had only been in or around Doomsville his whole life this was all new to him. He appreciated new environments and new communities, it was a lot to take in. It would have been a lot better if he could take Lucile with him, or just visit during the day, but that wouldn't be possible, not anymore. His hunger was barely in check thanks to some animals he found along the way, avoiding killing most of them in the process, as bad as it felt, it was necessary to stay above starvation when he reached the place he was going for, he had to make a good impression and stay focused, being starved would ruin both of those.

As soon as he entered Dragons Peak he immediately saw and felt the difference between it and Doomsville. It felt more warming here, less troubled, more respected and preserved, of course he had no idea if any of that were true, but that's the vibe he got when he arrived there. He came there just as the sun set, seeing as he had to camp outside the city during the day, on the way up to the Thunderrage district he had to get directions a couple of times which was very unsual for him seeing as he knew his own city pretty much in his head. More and more people went inside because of how late it got, but this was the only time he could go, so that's just how it had to be, he would find the way, after all, it was basically just go upwards and you would eventually get there.

When he finally arrived in the right district it was a sight to be hold, the architecture was like nothing he had seen, the peacefulness, just the atmosphere there was amazing, it felt like it was summer more than anything. But he wasn't here for the scenery, he was here strictly on business, so he had to focus on finding the right house. After some time of searching he found it, as he approached the door he was ready to get inside, especially after the long journey he had mixed with the last few hours of rain. It made him feel better about stealing the coat of the poor man he met a couple of days ago, a few weeks ago he would never steal or harm any creature, but it was different now, not only was he not human anymore, he was on a very serious mission that would secure his family's safety, that was more important than anything else, so he was willing to go through a lot to ensure it. As he approached the door he knocks a couple of times on the door, waiting for someone to open, despite it being in the middle of the night. Hopefully this whole trip would be worth it.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 29 Mar 2017 - 5:06

Let vippede hovedet en tak på skrå, imens hun beundrede hvor smuk blank knivens blad egentlig var. Som hun kunne se sig selv, gav hun et lille legende smil på læben, inden hun brød ud i en mild latter.
"Oh look at that, it's never even used," let rystede hun på hovedet. De blonde krøller vippede en anelse til siden, som hun bevægede hovedet. Josette tog et par skridt frem, og trådte ind i lyset - hun var klædt i sort. Lange sorte bukser og en sort tank top. Så stoppede hun op og lagde armene en smule overkors. "You lied to me, silly little human," sukkede hun skuffet og rystede en anelse opgivende på hovedet. En anelse dramatisk slog hun ud med armene, og mennesket så ud til at have hjertet i halsen af de pludselige bevægelser. Forståeligt, han manglede hvad - det ene øje. Blodet løb henover den ene side af hans ansigt. Panikken og angsten var for længest sat igang. Han kunne bare lade hver med at lyve eller for den sags skyld at holde mund - det var selvfølgelig svært at snakke efter hun havde revet tungen ud af munden på ham - men hans stemme havde været så irriterende. "And you don't lie to me do you.. silly little man," Josette klappede ham let på kinden.
"You really aren't that funny. You should smile, it would help you a lot. They say a smile can cure everything these days, let me help you," sagde hun så for at gribe fat om hans baghoved, for at tvinge hovedet tilbage. Knivens blad blev ført i en bestemt bevægelse henover den nederste del af hans ansigt, en fin bue, der kom til at ligne et stort smil. "Much better," hviskede hun for sig selv.

Josette stod let og kiggede på ham, til hun fik opmærksomhed for noget andet. Det var som om, at det der underholdte hende der. Ikke længere var nok, så hun lagde kniven hen til sin samling - og begik sig op af fangekælderen. Caroline var ikke hjemme, heller ikke hendes lille sølle baby vampyr. Der var intet værre end nye vampyre. Døren til fangekældren blev låst, og man manden forblødte eller hvad hans skæbne var - var hun pænt ligeglad med. Han var ikke så sjov alligevel. Josette kom op i stuen, og så mod Crystal, den store kæmpe jaguar.
"Gonna be a boring night huh?" Sagde hun let med et dybt suk. Ikke at Crystal virkede til at registre det. Det regnede udenfor, og ikke fordi Josette ligefrem havde noget imod regnen. Men hun orkede ikke at støde ind i Assorian eller nogle  i den stil.  Et trist ansigt malede sig henover hende, måske skulle hun bare gå tilbage til sine fanger - se om hun kunne komme i ordenligt humør. Måske skulle hun bare rejse hen til Ramsay igen, det kunne være hans besættelse af Lucile var faldt lidt ned - ellers ville hun næsten hellere personligt opsøge den dæmon. Lidt jaloux var man vel - ikke at det ville blive sagt med ord.

Et par bank lød på døren, og Josette lyste op ud af det blå.
"We got company," sagde hun og klappede sig let i hænderne. Crystal løftede hovedet let, men brød sig generelt ikke om andre vampyre end Caroline - og gik derved. Josette rystede skuffet på hovedet og gik hen til døren. Et stort smil bredte sig på læberne, som hun så mod den fremmede. Let vippede hun hovedet undersøgende på skrå, og så henover ham. Til sidst vendte de blå øjne sig mod ham, ikke at det lettere barnlige udtryk forsvandt fra hende - tvært imod.
"Come on in," sagde hun blot og gjorde plads til at han kunne komme ind. Vampyr. "You are not here to see Caroline are you? If you are, I suggest you wait here, not that she is here - but still,  I'm bored so... I could use the company.. silly humans are stressing me out.. so weak, " et suk forlod hendes læber som hun tænkte på den irriterende menneske mand der sad i hendes fangekælder. "I'm Jo, as in Josette, by the way - nice to meet ya," hun rakte hånden ud og opdagede der stadigvæk var lidt blodrester på fra mennesket - ganske frisk. Let tørrede hun den af og rakte den frem igen.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 29 Mar 2017 - 18:31

After his knocks on the door he hears someone approach, he straightens up his posture for when the door opens, the hood covering most his face. He had no idea who or what Josette was, all he knew was that she lived here and that she had been close to Ramsay, and that's all he needed to know. When she gestures him to come inside, and as he walks past her he catches her scent, its unlike anything he has felt before. He wasn't starving but she her smell was so good, more so than a humans, which he thought would be impossible. He did not know what she was, but he did know what she wasn't. He knew the smell of humans, demons, shapeshifters and vampires, and she was neither one of those, so it left him wondering.
He removes the hood as he turns towards her with a frown on his face, confused by her question. "No.. I don't know any Caroline.. nor anyone in this city for that matter.. I arrived here for the first time tonight.." His voice is calm but confused, but he didn't read to much into it. He was just worried that he had the wrong address, if Josette didn't live her then he was just wasting his time. But then she introduced herself and he felt more relaxed, finally reaching his destination. "Josette.. then you are the one i am looking for.." With a serious voice. When she reached out her hand he looks down on it and sees the blood, humans blood, he bit his tongue to not react on it, sweet as the smell was, he was here on a serious matter. As she then reaches it out a second time he shook her hand firmly, it was clear he was at the right address, that blood was fresh and there was surely some poor human somewhere in the house, but that's not why he was here, so he didn't care. He had become very hollow since he left Lucile the way he did, there wasn't too much care for anyone else at the moment. "We need to talk... I.. Need your help with something... or more precisely, someone.." He looks around as he says it, taking of his coat and putting it wherever she gestured it, revealing a blue shirt under a dark vest and black pants.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Ons 29 Mar 2017 - 20:09

No.. I don't know any Caroline.. It did seem to surprise her, as everyone always seemed to know Caroline. But then again, Caroline had been quite till the last few years.
"Well.." she stopped talking when he said she was the one he was looking for. It made her rather curious towards what he wanted from her.  The way he spoke, so serious - she didn't like that, not because it made her uncomfortable or anything like that - not at all. If the vampire didn't knew much more then just her name, he would end up being very shocked at the end. It was not really a good trait walking into the arms of her without any knowledge - Josette just seemed to find him funny. She giggled a little as he said they needed to talk.
"Okay first thing.. The whole I'm so serouis thing is really boring, stop being so tense - it's getting on my nerves," she started and showed him where he could hang his coat. "For the second, I'm not really sure I'm the right for the job.. I'm not really the helpful type of person.. other then if you need to loose a little up," she added just to point things out. She showed him here he could hang his coat, as she entered the living room. It was more simple decorated then most people would think of her, so big and so white. Josette walked over to the sofa and sat down. Making sure the vampire would feel like he could do the same.
"But.. why seek me out for help? Who do you need help with? If it's the fallen angels, I don't control them just because I'm their leader, but something tells me it's not the fallen who is your problem," he got her attention for now, how he would use it was up to him. She had things to do, like playing with her new little demon friend. So he better not bore her, if he didn't wanted to die - because then she would probably just take him with her - and he could be dinner for maybe Crystal - not that she liked vampire flesh - other then if she was to tear it apart. Josette folded her hands in front of her and looked at him. Her face looked like he would bring the best news she had ever heard, but she also looked like she wasn't, that good at just sitting still and look pretty.

/I'm so sorry for the length, I had my little time trying writing in English - soo Razz


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 30 Mar 2017 - 0:42

He recognized the vibe she gave off, it was the same one Ramsay did, like anything could happen at any time, though for now she seemed more friendly than he did, so that was a plus at least. As serious as this was for him, he had to play by her rules if he wanted to get anything out of her, so if she wanted him to relax, he would relax. "Yeah sorry, i guess a week long journey does that.. My bad." He tries to make his voice more calm as he says it. He follows her directions with his coat as he listens to what she says, and as he hangs it up he answers her. "Weeellll~ i have a feeling you are going to find it very interesting at the very least." His voice has evolved into an almost playful one. He followed her into what seemed to be her living room, he looks around, just to observe everything, things he can use to get information about her and how she is, how she lives. It seemed very simple, practical, didn't seem like she was the materialistic type, which was good to know, he knew he couldn't buy her now, not that he had any money to begin with.

As he sees her sit down at the corner of his eye he recalls that he never introduced himself to her. " I'm so sorry, it totally slipped my mind. I'm Nicholas Dunham. At your service." He says as he does a slight bow towards her. He felt as if he was auditioning for a play at the theater the way he acted, but if it was what she wanted then there would be no problem in doing it. When he sits down he makes himself comfortable as he listens to her questions. Then he tilts his head slightly and gets a curious look on his face. Leader of the fallen angels? What? That was actually a thing? It would explain her scent, but that was something he never expected. How the hell was an angel connected to Ramsay.. maybe that's why she was fallen? Irrelevant right now. "Waaaooow.. An angel huh? I wasn't sure you guys even existed, and a leader at that.. Had i known i would of worn my nice shoes." His voice is impressed but also slightly sarcastic seeing as he didn't see anyone above others, not that she acted like it at all, to his surprise she didn't act high and mighty at all, not yet at least. "Anyway, its not about any of your angels.. not at all.. more like the opposite, someone that makes demons look like angels.. and i do believe he was once close with you? Ramsay.." His voice gets more serious even if he tries to keep it light. He wasn't sure what she expected but all he was after was information, anything that would help fight him, maybe find a weak point or two.
He leaned back into the sofa, waiting for her response before he spilled information he would regret, hopefully he could see by her response if she was going to help him or hinder him. Well, she would probably just kill him if she were to hinder him, so that would be fairly obvious. Its those little positives you had to be thinking about to keep relaxed.

// Don't worry about it, you gave me plenty to work with :3  Also aayyyy English haha its cool, but i hope you don't feel pressured to use it xD


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 30 Mar 2017 - 6:04

The big childish smile had her for a little while, as he spoke with a playful tone. But as she was sitting in there looking at him, she looked to neutral. Nicholas, she nodded a little -knowing this was going to be very interesting.
"At my service and everything, a pleasure to meet you," she replied with a smile - but not a smile of warmth, but still - just more like you had no idea what was going on inside her head. Josette followed him as he sat down. He really never had heard about angels? She looked a little surprised by that information, and she didn't even bother to hide it.
"Where have you been living, in a cave?" She asked with a little laugh, she might be the leader - and even control the army here in Dragons Peak with Assorian - but she wasn't that formal. The reason why the vampire was here came closer to her then first expected, and with Ramsay wanting Nicholas - it should haven surprise her. Someone that makes demons look like angels.. and i do believe he was once close with you? Ramsay.. Josette looked like she was surprised and let her fingers run through her hair.
"What he done now? I knew him, but he don't really do much for attention - I haven't seen him in a few years. I was sure someone had killed the poor thing," she answered looking very interesting in his information. "I tried to stop him once, but a fork in the hand isn't really enough.. but you can still see the scars," she titled her head a little to the other side, as she look at the vampire.
"You know it's a dangerous thing to play with that fire, there is a reason I'm here and he is.. where the ever he is," Josette sighed a little like it was hopeless. "What did he take from you?" She asked, knowing he had to have lost something to even seek her out. But knowing that Nicholas didn't seem to know much about her, she could really say anything, but she wasn't the type that lied.

//I was thinking it might be fun, just takes a little longer for me to reply - not much, but still Razz


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 30 Mar 2017 - 16:26

That he never thought angels existed seemed to surprise her, which was understandable from her point of view of course. But for him, the only encounter he has had before Josette was just the angels in books, paper and rumors. "Well what can i say.. I just never thought any creature that good could exist in a world like this.." He said a bit amused, she might be an angel, but he had to remember that she was still a fallen one. Even if he knew barely anything about angels, fallen or not, he knew it couldn't be a positive thing being fallen, especially not if Ramsay was involved in it.
He paid close attention to how she acted after what he said, she seemed surprised at it which was a good thing, but he still wasn't sure of her, not yet. He listened closely to what she said, not expecting it was that long ago that she saw him, still hoping what she knew could help him. "Killed Ramsay?" He said with a slight chuckle, he was sure plenty had tried, that's the reason he was here in the first place. Sure he could just storm right after him and face him head on, but he would see that coming, its why he was here, getting information that would make him as unpredictable as Ramsay, leveling the plainfield.. Knowing that she had tried stopping him helped with trusting her, of course everything she said could be a lie, but he wanted to believe her, almost as if the human in him was still present, seeing the best in people. Though last time he did that he got chomped by a vampire, so maybe that was a bad idea.
Her warning was noted but ignored, he was done with that, he knew who Ramsay was, he knew how he operated, staying away from him wouldn't amount to anything but more misery. "Yeah well the thing about fire is if you don't extinguish it, it will eventually burn down your house.." His voice still remained calm but there was a hint of anger in it, so he popped a smile as a way of hiding it.
Then there was her question, What did he take from you?... his smile turned into a vague grin as he looked around the room. How was he supposed to answer that question? It would take the whole night listing everything he had done. "Besides torturing someone very important to me, killing a friend of mine, sending countless patients my way and messing with my head, not that much really.." His sarcasm screams through his words, he sighs as he looks back to her. "But this isn't about that, I'm a forgiving person, It's not about revenge.. I'm doing this because it has to be done to secure my family's future safety." As grim as his voice got, his grin remained the same. "I'm sure you can understand at least some of that right? Besides, I'm not asking you to come with me, all i need from you is information, that's it." After finishing his head tilts to the side as he looks out in the room before getting a curious look on his face. "Sorry for the random question but why the white?... Doesn't really seem like something a fallen would have.." It might have sounded insincere and sarcastic, but he was actually genuinely interested in the answer.

// Yeah go for it i don't mind Wink


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 30 Mar 2017 - 20:42

Well what can i say.. I just never thought any creature that good could exist in a world like this.. She rolled her eyes a little as he said those words - that good creatures.
"And just like that the fallen ones become worse then demons," she added with a little smile. The raise an eyebrows a little higher as if Ramsay was immortal or something. Everyone could die, but there was these people like herself - whom knew how to keep their life.
"It wouldn't surprise me if anyone tried," she added looked a little more serious - as this was a very serious topic. She was rather interested in knowing what Ramsay had done to this poor soul, but not because she felt sorry for Nicholas - not at all, but she could play it that way. Josette took all the information to her, it sounded like Ramsay.
"So you plan on secure you family by taking the monster down?" She had to ask, because it seemed like a dangerous plan - for the vampire. No doubt that Ramsay would be fine, she would make sure of that - but that information wasn't something Nicholas needed to know right now. I'm sure you can understand at least some of that right? Besides, I'm not asking you to come with me, all i need from you is information, that's it. The words triggered something in her, it wasn't anything he said - it was some of the words. Words in that context, like it was something she needed to do  for him, like she had no choice. And if Josette hated anything it was people controlling her, or feeling like they had the nerves to it - even if people didn't even have that idea, in Josettes head things was pretty clear, and it could go down from here.
"Oh I understand," she said looking around in the room as he talked about it.

Doesn't really seem like something a fallen would have.. A laugh slowly came from her lips in a rather creepy sound.
"How would you know? You have never seen a fallen angel till now? The white room makes you see things from a bigger picture, don't you see that much more clear now?" She asked him as she titled her head to the left, looking rather playful. Josette leaned a little forward and didn't take her eyes from him. She laughed again as the stood up from the sofa.
"Oh I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't laugh.. it is much more sad then funny," the big childish smile was on her face. "I'm good am I right? You really believed it, gosh you are stupid!" She laughed a little again as she starting walking a little - she clearly had a good time.
"I can give you one thing, a slightly amazing piece of information." She walked close towards him, holding him with her ability to manipulate the wind if he dared to move. As she walking close the leaned in holding her hands on his knees - her face not long from his. "If you even try to do something to him, you will fail, and I will tear you apart.. piece by piece.. nerve by nerve.. and as your body is on its way to give up.. I will make sure you heal, so I can do it .. again.. and again.. and again." The pulled herself back as she was done talking.
"You almost made me lose my temper, not a clever move, not a clever move," she whispered a little as the looked disappointed at him.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Fre 31 Mar 2017 - 3:26

She didn't seem convinced when he told her why he was doing it, but there wasn't really that much more to it than he had just told her. "Yeah, that's pretty much it" he said with a curious voice, wondering what her thoughts on it were. He felt that she was being to quiet about it all, like she didn't really think about what he asked of her. But then again she was hard to read, something she had in common with Ramsay.
The ending of her response to his question left him confused as to what she was talking about, if she was hinting at something, or just speaking in a general sense of things. "Yeah.. Fair point. Are you saying what i think you are?.." His voice was confused and worried, if he got that correctly then she just been playing along this whole time. If that was the case then this would become a lot more difficult. He laugh as she got of the sofa did not help either, it was almost haunting, he started expecting the worst at this point. And then she just confirmed what he was worried about. She was acting this whole time, even if he had that thought in the back of his head, he still believed her. He would not give up on getting the information still, he had come to damn far to get it, so whatever it took, it had to be done.
As she is about to give him some information, he tries to stand up to confront her, but feels some pressure keeping him down. An ability she had, it was good to know that she had that, thought it would be nice if he knew how it worked, maybe find a weakness in it. As she leans in on him he sits still with a serious face, starting her in the eyes as she spoke to him. Her threat made him grin at her, it would have been intimidating to him a few weeks back, but now, he held no care for himself, in his mind he had died already, so killing him again would only be mercy, his self loathing had made sure of that. But the grin was also because of how protective she seemed over him. "Awww.. I never knew psychopaths could feel love.. or, whatever twisted version of love you feel.. It's cute." His voice has a mocking tone, as he finally didn't have to act nice anymore, it was almost freeing. Seeing as he clearly wasn't going anywhere he leaned back into the sofa. "So what now hm? You kill me and run over to your boyfriend like a good dog waiting for her treat after doing his bidding?" He was starting to get frustrated by everything not going his way. he had no idea what to expect of her, she probably wouldn't kill him, not without Ramsay being present at least, torture was likely, she did fit the type for it at least, talking things out? Emm unlikely but maybe you never know. Time would tell what was going to happen.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Fre 31 Mar 2017 - 5:18

The vampire clearly needed help seeing things in the bigger picture, somehow he annoyed her pretty much - which was the most dangerous thing for him. Yes Ramsay wanted him, but Josette at some point didn't give a damn about that.
"What are you jealous? Because I seem to have something you can't have?" She asked with a little grin. Her head titled to the right as she asked, still looking playful like every thought was how-do-I-get-the-best-out-of-this-toy. Her smiled fall of her face for a second, as her mind was trying to settle what to do with this person. So what now hm? You kill me and run over to your boyfriend like a good dog waiting for her treat after doing his bidding? His words made her laugh again. He really had a wish of death, but Josette wasn't really to make his wish come true - that would be far to easy.
"I'm not gonna kill you, I'm not that nice," she said biting her lip a little as she was thinking. Then she lighted up and clapped her hands.
"Crystal? Would you please bring me the man from cell five?" It wasn't really anything she asked, and Nicholas didn't even see Crystal.
"See you must be very tired, always being in a war with yourself. Hating yourself. You don't give a damn about your own life, just wanting me to make the pain a little more tense. You know, I have seen vampires turn their humanity of - become monsters and they didn't care after that," her attention moved as the giant jaguar walked into the room. White as snow pulling a human almost paralyzed in fear. As the human was right in front of Josettes feet - Crystal removed her teeth from the waist of the human, licking her teeth from blood.
"Thank you dear, and yes you can bite the stupid vampire, but I need him alive for now - so please just a bite," she said to her big cat. Crystal was almost as tall as Josette with her head, and as Josette said - she locked her teeth in the skin of the human, shaking him a little as if she was about to remove his leg - but she didn't, but the force of the bite was not to be joking with. Crystal growled but pulled back as her owner had told her to.
"Good girl, why don't you go out in the city and find something good - maybe find our demon friend? She could help you pick your next meal," and then she watched the big cat leave.

Josette looked at Nicholas and then the human.
"That is a nasty bite she was, huh?" She said with a rather joyful voice. Josette wasn't really the type to pull everyone up with her actual hands, she was more the type to use the wind to do the dirty work. With one move the wind had pulled the human on his feet - she looked at the wound.
"I simply want you to let go Nicholas, stop holding yourself back. Give in to it, the darkness- life gets better like that," she added as she moved her hand over the humans cheek. The human looked so scared, maybe because he had seen what she did to the others. She didn't hold Nicholas back from standing up anymore, the only thing that could make her use her ability on him again, was if he tried to leave - then he would have to see the wall in a second.
"You should feed on his blood, drain every sip of it - that is my plan. Why I tell you this? Because it is always fun seeing if you will do it or not. I might not have my sisters compulsion ability - but that is not my point. But then again, if you don't do as I say, you will never be able to join your little song bird again, will ya?" She asked and her smiled lighted a little more up. "You should see her, so full of life as her pure soul gave in to the darkness - never seen her that peaceful before. But then again you wouldn't know, because you left her - right for me to take over," she added finding this rather fun. Josette wanted his reaction when he put all the pieces together.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 1 Apr 2017 - 23:08

It didn't seem like she took the bait he laid out, which he found a bit annoying, but it was just a setback. Her question he found a bit funny though. Jealous? "Hah.. yeah maybe i am" He said with half a grin, not even thinking she knew what she had with Ramsay. As anger started to rise inside him it mixed with his repressed one, making it harder to keep his cool. When she said she wasn't going to kill him he got relieved, not that he would survive but that he had more time to kill Ramsay, as bad as Josette might be she wasn't a threat to his family so he wasn't going to do her anything.

Out of nowhere she clapped her hands and asked some Crystal person to do something, which caught him of guard because he thought they were alone here, except for whoever left their blood on her hands. Her little monologue summed him up pretty good, except the part about the humanity, he didn't turn that off, he lost that a long time ago, Lucile was the one keeping that safe, and he wasn't deserving of it. Besides, having that would only make it harder to do what he had to do. "Observant.." He let out calmly as his eyes moved towards something that came into the room. His eyes got wider as he saw what it was, it was the first time he had seen that type of animal out of the books, but this one was different, it was much larger than those from the books. He didn't even notice the human before it dropped him by Josette's feet. It was so obedient and could understand everything she said, this fascinated him greatly, but as she said it could bite him he got more worried than he should have been. He wasn't used to his extended pain tolerance yet so he expected it to hurt a lot more than it did. But it's teeth sank deep and the shaking didn't help, making him clench his teeth and groan from the pain. He could possible have fought it off, but he didn't blame it for the bite, besides, it was an absolutely magnificent creature.
He watched it leave as Josette told it to find some demon, it left him wondering how much time he had before that demon would arrive and help Josette, making everything even more difficult.

The leg was bleeding but it would be fine in time, the good thing about it is that it made smelling the humans blood less of a concern. Her tease made him smile about the wound he had just gotten. "Eh.. It's alright i guess.." Not really caring about the wound as he was looking at her and the human, trying to figure out what her game was. Seeing her ability at work kept fascinating him, it had to be something to do with air, that was the most likely option at least, which meant there was probably little limitations.
Then she asked him to stop fighting it, which got to him, because it was something he was struggling with now that Lucile was no longer around.. He stood up ready to confront her about it but he just stood there, thinking about it, he was basically bad already. One more step over the line wouldn't be that much worse, there was always a way back right?

He didn't respond, instead he looked down at the human while listening to Josette. The human's blood became more apparent to him now that he focused on him, making her offer that more tempting. He took a step closer towards them, feeling his fangs slowing come down as he was struggling with staying in control. But it changed when she threatened him with something if he didn't do it, his songbird? Was she referring to Lucile? It made him rethink everything, how did she knew about her? Has Ramsay contacted her recently? But when she continued it made him snap, because it confirmed that she had been in contact with Lucile, and she just kept talking about her pushing him over the edge. All the pent of rage filled his body as he got to her with lighting speed, grabbing her by the throat and pushing her back into a wall, squeezing hard. "Where is she?" Yelling it with a dark and growly voice, staring her in the eyes. Killing her wouldn't do him any good, but it would feel sooo good, but she wasn't worth it he was saving that for Ramsay, not her. But if Lucile was here then his priority was to make sure she was safe before he did anything else. Was she the demon Crystal was going to?


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 2 Apr 2017 - 1:53

How she loved his rage. How she made him snap. Even with his fist around her neck, pushed up against the wall, she laughed at him. Where is she? Josette wasn't scared, fear was something she left behind with her wings when Ramsay first found her. How good she had been once, so innocent yet drawn to the dark.
"Feeling better?" She asked as she put her hand on his wrist, even if she had to break the bones in his arm to get his hand of her - she would do it. He would heal anyway.
"She is fine, I'm not hurting her.. like you I keep my family safe.. she is my family," she said looking as serious as Josette could. She was telling the truth, her lie had become so true - she did consider Lucile more like family then even Caroline some days. Josette stepped away from him, and ran her left hand over her hair. "You should be thankful for it, that she is with me. I give her space to walk around where she wants, get her what her heart desires. I'm not heartless, I just learned to use my heart less," she added looking back at Nicholas. This showed how unstable she was, one second she could laugh at the danger, and the next she could talk like a more functional person. Her brain were to twisted and it seemed even dangerous how unpredictable she was.

"You know.. we both want the same thing," she said as she looked at the human. "We want this to be over, the obsession my dearest has for this girl of yours. Sadly I grown to like her company, but if all goes after the plan - we will all be happy in the end," she added with a cocky smile on her face. She moved closer to him, dangerous moves. Josette titled her head a little to the left, as she looked into his eyes. Short after she sighed a little.
"So listen, you wanna make a deal with the devil?" Josette asked. Ramsay wouldn't be thrilled about it, but he knew Josettes head worked with what was served. Who said anyone was going to get hurt, she was just getting started. And right now she wanted to harm Nicholas. She could torture him, but it was no fun if the man didn't break from it. So what if she made him go so far, that he wouldn't be able to pull himself back together. What if she made him lose his mind? "I want you to go with me.. not that you really have a choice.. " she pointed it out for him, she was in charge of what was doing to happen. He could follow her down to the basement.. or she would use the wind to move him - his choice really. when she opened the door the horror was everywhere. Men with their faces cut out.. people with missing limbs. Blood on the floor. So much blood.. mostly angels, humans and shapeshifters.. sometimes a vampire or werewolf - even a demon. They were always a little harder to take out. She closed the door behind him. There was no way out of this. The door locked with a windsign so only she would be able to open it.
"You help me torture these souls.. and I want the best results.. I will bring Lucile here and if she wants, she can go with you," it was her deal. He could take it or leave it - but he wasn't going to leave this room before she had her fun.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 2 Apr 2017 - 15:21

His blood was boiling and there could be heard a growl in each deep breath he took, his grip tightened until she place her hand on his wrist, making him let go of her throat. He was still right in front of her, his breath was long and deep as he listened to her. "She is not, your family." he exclaimed as soon as he heard it, seeing her walk away. He had absolutely no trust in her, treated everything she said as a lie, when she said Lucile had full freedom he expected the worst, but he had no idea where she was so at the moment he couldn't do much. When she said that they wanted the same thing, he just got more frustrated, seeing her trying to make them the same, that was not happening. "I seriously doubt that..." he said faintly as he tried to calm down. He didn't know if she was naive or just stupid, there wouldn't be a happy ending to this, whatever she thought Ramsay had planned for Lucile could not be accurate if she thought Lucile would make it out alive from it. But he figured she wouldn't listen to him anyway so he simply responded. "Sure.." faintly.

Then as she moved closer to him again, and he stared into her eyes with hate as she asked him the question. "I'm listening.." the voice was calm and collected again, but in his mind he was still full of anger and hate. He knew this would be a shitty deal, especially considering what she tried to make him do to the human in the room, but he would hear her out first. When she told him to follow her and she started to walk he hesitated for a few seconds before he eventually started following her to the basement. He could smell what was there before they even arrived, he knew there would be a lot of death behind the door. As the door was opened he was hit in the face with an intense smell unlike anything before, there was so much blood, from every kind of race he had encountered, his hands where trembling and his fangs were already out.
His first instinct when he saw the people there were to run over and help, but his healing power seemed to be gone for good and there were no tools for him to use, so there was nothing he could to to help them. He was conflicted, he wanted to kill her, drain the people here, but also help everyone, his mind was a mess.
Then she came with her little deal and he just stared at her with such hate, wanting to kill her so badly, but he had to keep his composure. How could she even dare to talk about Lucile like that, like she knew her at all, it pissed him off beyond belief. And thinking he would hurt anyone because she asked him to, that was not going to happen. "Fuck, off" He was so angry he didn't want to say anything more, trying his best to remain in control even as the scent of blood filled his nose.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Søn 9 Apr 2017 - 11:51

One thing Josette loved more then anything, was to see the face of how people reacted to her little room. Some people shared her rather special interest in killing and torture - and others not so much. Josette loved seeing his new vampire nature battle with the inner demons of who was in control. The battle of control, seemed like such a hard fight - a fight that was pointless in the end. Seeing how little time she took to have control over things, she never really had a bad day. Not unless Audrey was trying to get to her, or if her and Ramsay had a fight. The way his face exploded with hate and anger. Such strong emotion, made her laugh of joy. Weird things to find funny, but it shouldn't really surprise anyone at all. That he didn't control his anger was his problem, not hers. Josette tilted her head a little more to the left as if she looked confused. Maybe a part of her was, why wouldn't he want to play with her? It was such a fun game - well if you were on the right site of the game tho. She sighed hopeless, and really had no clue what Ramsay saw in this useless vampire person. Josette was about to say something, till words ran over his lips; Fuck, off. The little childish face full of her kind of joy, it turned to a more stone cold look.
"Well. Here you come to my home.. planning to kill my boyfriend.. and then you have the nerves to tell me what to do?" the words were rather calm, but no one should doubt the storm and the thunder underneath. It was a dangerous zone he had come to. "Next time, I would say you should check the background of who you are standing in front - that is if you have a next time," she confessed.

Ramsay never really said she couldn't hurt Nicholas, and Ramsay wasn't in control over her actions? So why didn't she just put this thing out of its misery? Because. There was no fun in that. Maybe she could turn him useful, make him in her image just like Lucile? It could be fun.
"You bore me, you know. Being such a useless control freak," she sighed and was thinking shortly how to do things. It was nothing that wasn't easy to do, but thinking to much about it - see that was the catch. The smile that started to grow on her face was rather creepy, so big and playful - what was she up to? Well that was her plan, and he had to prepare himself for it - if he could. Josette used the air to make a knife fly a cross the room, and hit an angel in the stomach. The sweet blood started to fill the room - well because angel blood as the best thing you could get.
"Can you smell that?" She whispered as she walked over to the angel. Josette pulled the knife out and let her tongue lick the blood of the knife. No one ever said a reaper should like or dislike the taste of blood. Josette had learned to love it. She took a look at the wound and let her fingers get covered in the blood.
"She might day soon anyway, just a little more pain. Fear is so delicious," she pointed out as she walked closer to Nicholas again. This time she ran her blood-covered fingers down his face - left the strong scent of blood to tease the vampire. She took a step back to see the reaction, to see how much control he really had.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Man 10 Apr 2017 - 23:34

The fact that she got angry at his response did not bother him, it was actually refreshing to see her take something seriously, or at least with less joy. But he did expect her to do something unpredictable about it, which didn't happen, yet at least. "Well it was more of a suggestion really.. And yeah that would be the smart thing to do, but the time is pressing so had to skip that part sadly..." His voice was still spiteful, but it had calmed down a bit. He was trying to focus everything on the conversation rather than what surrounded them.

To her remark he simply respond "If you say so. But if you're not going to help me there is no point in me being here is there.." He said disappointed as he was thinking about how to leave. But before he could really start to think, he saw the knife as it was in the air, flying straight in the girls gut. His face quickly changes to a concerned one as he wants to rush over and help, even though there is nothing he can do. Pulling the knife out would make her bleed to death, bandaging around the knife with some clothes could maybe buy some time but with that wound there had to be internal bleeding. And seeing as he had no tools there would be no fixing that.
Briefly after the knife hit her stomach, blood started to from around the knife and ran down, forming a small puddle on the floor. The smell was even better than Josette's scent, this had to be a non fallen angel. The fangs were already out as the smell was so damn good, Josette's taunting didn't help either.
Then when she ripped the knife out he got angry as she just doomed the angel to die. "Stop this! You don't have to kill people to prove a point" He started exclaiming it but it got calm near the end as he saw her lick the knife, even if it wasn't mean as a tease it worked as one for him, making him slowly walk towards them.

This was alright wasn't it? She was dying either way, there was no way to help her now. Wouldn't it be merciful to just end her life, end her suffering? He was already going towards them, wasn't it too late to stop? Before he could debate it more in his head, Josette put the final nail in the coffin as she smeared the blood down his face, putting him over the edge. "You sadist..." he let out in a low tone before he passed her. He could just go for Josette, but the angel would taste so much better, and she was dying either way, he would be doing her a favor, right?
As he got to the angel he moved his head next to her ear as he whispered "I'm so sorry...." calmly before a second later he sank his teeth deep in her throat, ripping it open to get a big flow coming out. It was better than anything he had before, it was like a drug, euphoric like nothing else, and there was an endless supply. It was clear that the angel did not like it, but he was to far gone now, he was going to finish what he started. When the well ran dry, the angel was gone, dead, and he was not even full, but he was fuller than he had even been before, and he felt a lot more powerful.
He just stood there, looking down at her body, but it barely affected him in his current state, he knew it was going to haunt him in the future still. After a brief moment of silence he turns towards Josette with a dead expression filled with blood. "Happy?..." With a calm and emotionless voice.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Man 17 Apr 2017 - 8:26

"You want to leave, but you just got here.. and the fun is just getting started. Sorry sweetheart, I'm not planning on letting you leave.. just jet," she confirmed with her head titled playful to the left side. Her stunt with the angel was a normal thing for her to do, she loved triggering other creatures emotions by doing this. You don't have to kill people to prove a point, she looked at him and shook her head a little.
"But look at you, trying to hard to be in control -and still have the nerves to trying to tell me what to do. Do you really thing that would do anyone good?" She asked and looked at the knife. He moved closer, and she took a step back - only because she could feel the darkness grow on him. That was a thing about being a reaper, she could pull the right strings from creatures. Make them fell their darkest desires. You sadist... As he passed her, Josette just smiled brightly at him. It wasn't something new not at all. There was nothing more fun then seeing him draining the innocent angel from every single drop of blood. Josette looked at it like it was a rare sight, but is wasn't - but she loved it and it was so clear in her eyes.

He turned towards her and she just looked so pleased. Was she happy? She clapped her hands a little.
"Very," she said taking a few steps closer to him. "Don't you feel it? The power, running in your veins? Filling you up with a new kind of strength." One thing that was of with her, was Josette was so impulsive and unreliable - no one ever really knew her next move, not even herself.
"But sadly, I'm not done," she said as she used to wind to move him around - really just to put him in a cage.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going to kill you. The nicer you behave, the nicer I will be? Deal? Great," she instructed with a half smirk. She showed him the key as she took a step back. Then she looked around in her 'slaughter house', and picked a few people - already pretty bad looking people. Some of them wouldn't last a day - but some of them was just to scared to move. Josette just picked them out like she was shopping and threw them at the floor close to the cage Nicholas was in - it was the biggest cage in the basement, the only cage really. Mostly she just tied her victims up - making them feel like they had a change to get out. Josette returned them she had found five victims. Two humans, one male one female. Both did seem to have been here a long time - as the female missed a leg and the man missed an arm - which she did sew back on just not the right place more like wrong direction. Then there was another angel, bleeding from the back as Josette had tried to remove the wings - but only removed a little part - the more pain the more fun, right? The last two was shapeshifters, mostly to piss Audrey off. Maybe she did try to catch the annoying shapeshifter who tried to ruin her and Ramsay's plan - but she didn't have any luck founding her, but it didn't mean she could find someone who looked a like. Seeing she had removed the eyes from the shapeshifter, and cut that perfect smile on the face - who could even identify her? The last shapeshifter was in a good shape, no harm had come to him - till Josette stabbed him with her knife. She opened the cage and was able to put the victims in the cage with the vampire just to lock him in. Josette was rather exited to see if he really would kill them all.

Josette could come with a reason he should kill them, and she would - but first she would see how good his control was. A vampires nature was to kill, drain of blood - even when they felt filled up there would always be room to something more - that was a killing instinct she loved about those creatures. It was dangerous standing close to the cage, but she did it anyway. Her smile was priceless and she was so fascinated about this.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Man 17 Apr 2017 - 18:22

After finishing he was in an emotionless state, he had just broken his most sacred oath, no longer worthy of being called a doctor, not anymore. Whatever reason he told himself to end her life, it was still him taking it, making him no better than Josette, didn't matter how many more she had tortured or killed, a killer was a killer. When she approached him and asked him about how he felt he could not deny what she said. After draining the poor angel he felt powerful unlike anything he had felt before, not being starving for once was a refreshing feeling as well. But before he could do anything she sent him straight for a cage, locking him inside.

He listened to everything she said but he didn't respond to any of it, there would be no point, he was done trying to bargain and convinced her of anything. He remained calm, regulating his breathing to normal as she brought forward all the people, he could smell them all, every wound on every person as well as their race. Their scents were good, sweet, tempting, but he had no interest in killing any of them, even if the best within him did, he was not loosing another battle against it, once was even over the limit, never again. As she opened the cage he remained in the same spot, seeing her toss them in to him like cattle, like she was feeding a pet. He heard the poor people's heartbeats go out of control, afraid for their lives, someone them would not survive the night, but that was not his problem, he had stopped caring about them, they were nothing but Josette's tools to him now, and he was not going to be used.

After a brief moment of staring at them, challenging himself to stay in control. He was the one in charge, not the beast, there was only two people he wanted to kill, and one of them was just outside the bars, standing maybe a bit too close for her own good. In a split second he moved up to the bars where she was and reached out for her, if he missed her he would slowly move his arm back inside and remain silent, waiting for his next opportunity. If he did catch her however he would smash her against the bars until she either got away or passed out.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Man 8 Maj 2017 - 19:39

He really got on her nerves at some point. She couldn't really describe how, and she hated it. Josette hated that she couldn't just turn his mind upside down like Ramsay could. It would make it so much easier just to do that.  She tilted her head a little to the side after she sighted at him.
"Orgh. Are you back to being boring?" She grimaced and looked at him as he was hopeless - which he was. She moved her fingers a little to the side to push the people in the cage around. Not much but enough to make their heart beat even faster than before. Josette could see there was something, a hint of trying. It could be hard.. trying to stay sane. She had that fight before, a long time ago. The blue eyes was locked at him, so fascinated by the fight she couldn't see. Only feel. That must be the most amazing part of being a reaper, she could feel the darkness inside other people. His attack got her by a surprise. She must admit that, even if you couldn't see it. It was like nothing scared her, and nothing really did. Noting scared you when you have forgotten what fear was like, or you knew no one knew your biggest fear. Few people knew but not enough to make it a problem, and this wasn't her fear. He smashed her against the bars, and she just laughed at him. Even as she tasted her own blood on her lips, it just made her laugh even more. Josette reached out to find, let her hand smash through the skin, the bones and hold her cold hands around his heart.
"Can you feel that?" She asked with a half smirk on her lips. Her eyes didn't move from his. "You do have a heart.. a life to live.. but the scars.. the lack of control over how easy.." She let go of the heart and pulled her hand out.. "how easy it is to break," she ran her fingers over her hair with the bloody hand. One should know Josette didn't have any trouble being messy.
"It's a nasty wound you have there.. don't worry it will heal.. you should feed," she pointed out as she looked at the menu she had served him. "Next time I will most likely just snap your neck.. don't worry vampires survive that too.. you are well already dead so."
"You know.. the best way not to get your heart broken.. is to pretend you don't have one. Then it can't be used against you.. and in this world everything you touch can be a weakness.. just let go. You don't have to deal with pain.. You don't have to go out of your way to stay sane.. the insane part is the most fun road."

"Josette!" A female voice yelled from upstairs. Josette sighed.
"Well this will be fun.. wanna see how fast she can run?" She laughed a little looking at Nicholas. "Her ex husband's name is Nicolas.. so this better be fun," she added feeling oh so funny.
"I'm down here dear sister.. just torturing poor Nic.. vampires are the most fun you know." She laughed looked at Nicholas, as if they were making the biggest prank on her sister ever. Caroline stormed down there, with more speed then a average vampire. She pulled Josette against the wall with her fist round the neck. When the blond vampire looked at the cage with her crystal blue eyes. The white-blonde hair was long and curled so softly.  The pale skin without any flaws made sure people knew she was a vampire. Her lips were red as blood, but the angry expression on her face - made sure no one would mess with her.
"This isn't Nic.. how dare you even make fun of that? " Caroline hissed and took the hand of her dear sister. Josette just laughed a little.
"Well his name is Nicholas.. so I wasn't joking," she promised lifting her hands a little up. Caroline was a master of control when it came to blood, and she could smell a new vampire miles away.
"Why are you tormenting a newborn vampire even? I told you, that you could stick to your ripping wings of angel thing," Caroline raised an eyebrow as she walked one step closer to the cage. "The ripping your heart out treat.. really? That is such an old trick," she said disappointed. Josette stopped Caroline on her way to the cage.
"But I'm not done with him," she said looked at her sister. Caroline smiled.
"Yes you are. Now leave," Caroline commanded with her ability to compel other beings. Josette didn't say anything.. she just left. Caroline sighted.
"I'm sorry for my sisters behavior," she apologized as she smashed her hand in the locker so it opened. "Vampyros strength. You will need that if you wanna kick her ass someday," she smiled at the vampire. "You should feed to survive.. the wound will just heal slower if you don't.. trust me.. it's not worth it."


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tirs 9 Maj 2017 - 16:10

After she made him kill an innocent person his regard for life had become foggy, the only emotion left lingering was wrath. So when he actually managed to grab her through the bars was going to sate that feeling. Bashing her against the bars felt great, but it didn't feel any better, if anything it only fed the wrath inside him, making him angrier inside, especially with her cocky laughter at him. But then it all stopped, in a split second he felt a burst in his chest and her hand around his heart, it was already dead but he could still feel her hand. His legs became weak and his grip on her loosened making his hand fall down to his side as he looked at her with a blank expression. As soon as her hand left his chest he took a few steps back before he couldn't hold his own weight anymore, falling down to his knees using his arms to hold him off the ground, seeing the blood pour out of his chest to the floor creating a pool.
She had not only incapacitated him, she had also snapped him out of his rage, leaving him lost in his own mind, speechless and barely responsive to her. By doing this she had reminded him of his place, he had become to dependent on his new form, so much so that he forgot that he could still die, he was still human in his mind, and she reminded him of that. So when she told him to feed he noticed the poor souls in the corner of his eye, but it was not like earlier, he was on their level now, he could sympathize now, there was no way he could bring himself to repeat what he did to that innocent angel.. When she went on about weakness and just letting go he was starting to hope she would just kill him, before he could do more harm to anyone else.

He was getting lightheaded and hungrier, making it harder to avoid thinking about the people laying next to him, but hearing a strange voice snapped him out of it. By Josette's reaction she clearly knew the person coming which was probably not a good sign, he slowly raised his head towards the entrance keeping one hand on the open wound as it would do anything at all. When the stranger pressed her against the wall it left him confused to what was going on and what their relationship was, were they really sisters like Josette said?. But when she left her go and they started talking it was more clear that they were close because she knew all about this place and what she did, even what she did to him, but thinking to hard was just causing a headache so he just listened to them talk as he tried to figure out what was going to happen. If he was being locked in here too long he wouldn't be able to keep away from the people in there with him. The stranger was clearly intimidating to Josette, that or had and ability to command, because seeing Josette just follow someone else's word was hard to imagine.

The sister seemed to be a kind person, which seemed impossible if she was related to Josette, but it didn't matter, she helped him, and he wouldn't forget that. "Thank.. you.." He said with a faint voice as he looked at her, he had no idea who she was. She was a vampyros? He hadn't heard of that before, it had to be some sort of evolved vampire, which mean she had to be old, a well versed vampire, probably having a lot of answers. But that was not his concern right now he was struggling to focusing on anything due to the blood loss, even if the would would heal, they were both right, it would take time, time he didn't have. Looking at the scared people in the cage didn't make it better, but as he held a hand on the wound he stuck a finger in the side of the hole, twisting it to create some pain to snap him out of it. Then he slowly gets on one foot at a time while clinging to the bars for support "I.. am not.. like you.." He says as his voice gets more faint. As soon as he says it he moves along the bars to the exit of the cage before letting go of the bars, barely able to stand he starts shuffling across the floor towards the exit. But halfway he falls back down to his knees, moving on all fours to the closest wall where he gets up again and leans against it while groaning as he looks down at the wound, it had left a blood trail from the pool in the cage. He had to snap out of this, find some inner strength to get him moving. Get up, move your sorry ass, this is not about you, she's in trouble and its your fault, so keep moving! He tells himself as he moves one step at a time along the wall.


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Tors 11 Maj 2017 - 19:59

He thanked her. Caroline didn't care at this point, and somehow she did. The constant war she was in, between being good and bad - it was starting to make her tired mentally. Caroline looked at the other people in the cage. It was horrifying what was doing on inside Josette's brain, and Caroline had no plan on taking a trip into her head. He held his hand on the wound like it would help, he needed to feed.
"Of course you aren't like me.. I'm far prettier then you," she pointed out with a little joke. The blue eyes was locked on him and how he was feeling. Maybe it was her old leader instinct to take care of her vampires, she still had that word in her head; my vampires. By instinct she was down with him as he fell to the ground.
"You know.. it seems hard right now.. and you don't have to kill to feed. But you need blood Nicholas.. You need that to survive.. you don't need air.. you got to keep fighting.. being a vampire doesn't change the person you are.. it strengthens the parts of you that makes you who you are." Caroline knew what she was talking about.. helping her sisters when they were turned into vampires, and knowing herself from her transformation. The emotions, the hunger - it could be brutal.
"So listen to me." She said with a warm careful voice.
"You feed.. and I stop you before you kill. Or you feed to kill. Any of these people will die a death worse when she gets her hand on them," she told him and looked at the cage. The people was to scared to even move a little.
"It gets more easy by trying.. you need to try, to learn," she looked back at him - waited for a reaction. Caroline knew it was a risk using her ability on Josette, and Josette would return the favor later. But it was Caroline's choice, and Josette would pay her in pain.

//It's a little short.. but I hope it's okay cc:


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

Indlæg af Gæst Lør 13 Maj 2017 - 17:20

He did appreciate her joke, trying to lighten the mood but his smile was only on the inside, he could not bring himself to smile, or use any energy in anything but his legs. When he fell and she was with him he could tell that she cared, but he didn't understand why, she didn't care for the other people in here so was it just because he was a vampire like her? He heard her out as he climbed back up against the wall. "You're wrong.. If that were true then i wouldn't.. have killed that poor angel.. i wouldn't have attacked Josette.. I wouldn't leave these people to die here... This form is suppressing the real me.." But he continued to listen to her as she knew a lot more about being a vampire than he ever would.

He didn't like the fact that she was trying to get him to feed, and even kill, but he knew she meant good, it was just like Nephthys said as well. They were both experienced vampires and knew what they were talking about, but they also did not care if they killed people for their blood, something he was completely against. He looks back at her as he responds. "Just because their fate is already sealed.. does not justify killing them.. if you cared about them you would set them free.." He said with a slight angry tone because she was talking about them like they weren't there, listening. "They are people, just like you.. i know you probably see them as cattle after being what we are for so long, but i wont follow that path, i cant.. They are already bleeding out, if i start feeding they will die, there is no question about that." His tone is still angry but its not really placed at anyone, its just there. Then he looks away from her towards the dead angel on the floor. "I've already taken a life.. i won't take another..." His voice became more faint as he was starting to hate himself more for what he had become. But this wasn't the time for that, his form was keeping him alive, but the healing was slow, he had no idea if Josette was coming back or if she was done with him, he had to leave.

// dw its fine, mine is short as well xD


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This better be worth it.. - Josette Empty Sv: This better be worth it.. - Josette

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